The good news: My Kamen Teacher Box Set came in the mail today! For once, I actually got something on the release date.
The bad news: [TMI warning for talk of blood] Trying to pick up the box, I ripped off most of one of my fingernails (on my left thumb) and it seriously hurts like a bitch. It bled all over the place (and totally ruined the nail polish I was trying to do). You don't know exactly how much you use your non-dominant thumb until you can't. >___< This is almost as bad as that time I burned one whole hand with scalding coffee at the Haverford DC. [/TMI]
The other good news:
yomimashou and I got out tickets for J's Party! We're in the mid-500s out of like 1500, so I think that's pretty good! Here's to hoping I can see on my stubby legs. Also, the weather in Tokyo is supposed to be super nice that day, so I'm stoked!
The other bad news: I feel like I'm behind on EVERYTHING in my life now. LJ, emails, fic, work, facebook, personal life, etc. So if I'm slow getting back to you on something, I'm really sorry! It's not that I'm trying to blow you off. Really. I'm trying to balance and juggle everything out, but it just might take some time.