Meme tiems

Mar 26, 2010 09:22

Meme from onewhomust!
Comment and I'll give you three special fandoms. Then answer the questions.

Seigaku 1st Cast

1. The first member I fell in love with:
Yanagi, though it was in reference to second cast, but since the first and second Ryomas kind of transcend casts, I suppose it still counts. ^^;

2. The member I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Any of them, I suppose; I never used to be a first cast fan until recently, but here I am. I guess Kimeru would be the correct answer, since I'm desperately in love with him (in a platonic sense, of course) at the moment...

3. The member everyone else loves that I don't:
Endo (otherwise known as the Grand Pimp Master of the D-Boys :P). I really don't see the appeal. He can't sing, he can't dance particularly well, and I don't find him at all attractive. I can see why people pair him with Yanagi, but that's about it.

4. The member I love that everyone else hates:
Kimeru. Seriously, why all the Kimeru hate? He's a great singer, pretty to look at, and not particularly offensive in any way that I can think of. I understand he stole the spotlight a lot out of first cast when it came to singing, but heads up. No one else in that cast could sing, and a lot of their songs make my ears hurt. Plus, I'm sure it was direction, so he can't really be blamed for that.

5. The member I used to love but don't any longer:
I don't think this is a problem with me?

6. The member I would shag anytime:
Even assuming I liked men, I don't really know how I would answer this. XD; MoriEiji, I guess? Might as well go for Sexy-chan.

7. The member I'd want to be like:

8. The member I'd slap:
Tuti :P You all know why.

9. A pairing that I love:
Tuti/Nagayan. It's practically trufax. Even if it makes my Kimeru muse squirm.

10. A pairing that I despise:
MoriEiji/Nagayan. STOP THAT, GUYS. COME ON.

11. Favorite member:
Can't you guess by now? XD; Kime :P

12. My five favorite members:
Kimeru, Nagayan, Yanagi, Tuti, MoriEiji

13. My five least favorite members:
I mean, there's people I care less about, but I don't actively dislike anyone on that cast.

14. Which member I am most like:
I don't know. XD; What first cast member am I most like?

15. My deep, dark fandom secret:
I ship Kimeru with Nagayan. That's not really a secret, but... it's something I'm kind of ashamed of, anyway. XD;;;

Seigaku 2nd Cast

1. The first member I fell in love with:
Yanagi again! Because he was in both casts. XD;;

2. The member I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Shirota, by far. My first impression of him was THAT GUY DOESN'T LOOK LIKE TEZUKA AND HE DOESN'T EVEN LOOK JAPANESE, but now... it's Shirota, how can't I love him? XD Especially after his idol DVD. ♫ Chotto matte, yeah~ ♫

3. The member everyone else loves that I don't:
For second cast specifically, since I listed Endo above, I'll say Aiba. He's a pretty good singer and dancer, I just don't get the appeal so much. Like, he's okay but I'm not hugely in love with him?

4. The member I love that everyone else hates:
Do people hate on second cast? There are people out there who dislike Yanagi, right? So I guess him. XD; I don't really know. Honestly, I haven't read that much second cast fic or anything like that.

5. The member I used to love but don't any longer:
Again... I don't think I really feel this way about anyone.

6. The member I would shag anytime:
Again, I don't really know. XD;; We'll go with Kaji, because I think he's cute. ♥

7. The member I'd want to be like:
Shirota; I wish I could be that goofy and well liked! Somehow, he's a dork and still adorable and gorgeous!

8. The member I'd slap:
Hurr... No one?

9. A pairing that I love:
Shirota/Yanagi ♥ This is the pairing that got me into RPS. I know it's not all the popular but... come on. They're adorable together in their "Catherine and Daniel" skit thing XD;

10. A pairing that I despise:
Can't... think... of one? Really, I don't read that much Second Cast fic besides Shirota/Yanagi. :P

11. Favorite member:
Yanagi-baby ♥

12. My five favorite members:
Yanagi, Shirota, Adachin, Araki, Kaji

13. My five least favorite members:
Again... no one I actively dislike...

14. Which member I am most like:
Hurr... again, no idea. XD;;

15. My deep, dark fandom secret:
Uh. I don't really have one. XD; As much as I enjoy second cast's musicals, I guess I'm not as into their fandom as first cast.

Hyoutei A
(I'm going with the original Hyoutei and not the cast from Imperial Presence 4A/Tokyo Return because... they're the original Hyoutei XD;)

1. The first member I fell in love with:
Katou. Oddly, I'm not such a fan of him anymore. *shrug*

2. The member I never expected to love as much as I do now:
Kawai. That man is adorable and the best Piyo ever. He and Ruito in Imperial Presence... ♥!! He's the best at having an awkward crush on Gakuto.

3. The member everyone else loves that I don't:
Not "everyone," but I know a lot of people like Date... even though he was a douchebag :P I don't like hate him... Just get a grip and stop having temper tantrums, dude.

4. The member I love that everyone else hates:
Does "everyone" hate a member of Hyoutei A? :x I love most of them, so if anyone hates any of them... that woul be the answer :P

5. The member I used to love but don't any longer:
Katou. I don't know why. I just don't care about him so much anymore.

6. The member I would shag anytime:
Well, considering Ruito is my future husband, he has to be my first choice. XD; But after him definitely Saitou. ♥

7. The member I'd want to be like:
Ruito! He's so bouncy and cute and loveable, and I'd love to be that flippy!

8. The member I'd slap:
Date :P

9. A pairing that I love:
SaiRui. It's sad but true. XD; And hey, Ruito's almost 20 now!

10. A pairing that I despise:
Katou/Shirota. I know Shirota's not in this cast but whatever. STOP THAT, GUYS.

11. Favorite member:

12. My five favorite members:
Ruito, Saitou, KenKen, Kawai, Katou

13. My five least favorite members:
Date? :| I find Takuya kind of annoying too, but that may just be because I dislike Jirou.

14. Which member I am most like:
Saitou, because I'm a creeper. :P

15. My deep, dark fandom secret:
The fact that I ship SaiRui isn't at all a secret, but I'm not so thrilled with advertising my love of shota RPS. XD;

Warm weather, come back! XD;

not a stalker, meme, in which i am a tenipuri fag, myu rock my world

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