Feb 16, 2004 14:23
A - Age: 13
B - Band: Brand New
C - Choice Of Meat: Fish-->thats meat correct?
D - Dream Date: anything would be perfect if it was with him..
E - Excites You: food, books
F - Favorite Food: anything with noodles, n meat
G - Greatest Gift: like the greatest gift ive gotten? or what would be the greatest gift? both i dont know!
H - Happiest Day Of Your Life: getting married, falling in love
I - Internal Conflicts: lets not go down that road..
J - Jealous: basically
L - Love: katie, hope, kyle, ashley, johnny, my mom, God, and someone else..
M - Most Valuable Thing You Own: i would have to say everything in this lil black n pink poka dot change thing
N - Name: Brittany
O - Outfit: PJ pants, black tee, mix matching sox
P - Pizza Topping: NO CHEESE..
Q - Question I Want To Ask: why? ((not why like why are you asking me this, but why? why this, why that.. ahah w/e))
R - Roots: uhh okay.. TREES!
S - Sport To Watch: football or basketball
T - TV Show: anything on VHI
V - View From The Window: its not open, but if it was i would see those freaky 9 fans on my neighbors back porch ceiling
W - Weather: havent really been outside..
Y - Yesterday's Best Meal: fish n chips at applebees
Z - Zodiac sign: Virgo