Haiti needs our help

Jan 13, 2010 21:24

You know, it's so easy to get caught up in our own lives and forget that other people exist out there beyond our own circle. But this is one time where you need to take a step back. If you don't already know, Haiti was hit by a massive earthquake (7.0) yesterday and the country has been pretty much devastated. At least 2 million people have died ( Read more... )

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Comments 7

catyuy January 14 2010, 02:30:30 UTC
I hope the Jimmy's family is alright.
I'll see what I can afford to donate.


faded_facade January 14 2010, 16:45:47 UTC
Last I heard, he got in contact somewhat with his parents though many of his other relatives have yet to be found.


supersyncspaz7 January 14 2010, 05:14:00 UTC
Ugh, Pat Robertson, STFU.


Pat Robertson perfectstar January 14 2010, 13:05:44 UTC
Pat Robertson is an ignorant tool, and doesn't deserve to influence trolls let alone American idiots.

I heard that the LDS Church is sending 100% of all donations to Haiti, instead of 'deducting' a 'processing' fee; that's pretty awesome, and though I don't believe in their church I may use them as my conduit of grace.


Re: Pat Robertson faded_facade January 14 2010, 16:45:10 UTC
Pat Robertson is a huge scumbag that doesn't deserve to be in any spotlight where he can influence people. Unfortunately, the fact that there are so many people who look up to him and believe his ridiculous statements makes me facepalm so hard. No wonder people hear so many bad things about Americans, we have people like Pat running around and saying things like Haiti deserved what they got.

I don't know about many of the other organizations but I know Hollywood Unites for Haiti doesn't deduct a processing fee as the donation is strictly from your paypal account to the fund.


calidreamin08 January 14 2010, 15:30:07 UTC
WTF. seriously some people in this world *facepalm* please take ur psycho elsewhere.
on a funny note, i read the name as robert pattinson at first so i was like D:

i'm trying to figure out how i can contribute.


tofeelreallove July 11 2010, 09:08:17 UTC
goood! :)


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