Oct 31, 2004 10:01
Halloween's today!! woot woot! oh man today is good other than the one thing that visited me...M.T knows what i'm talking about. ROFL
Ok heres some kick ass news *Clears thoart*
Todays "Kick ass news" report On Oct.31st
Heather is getting a phone line in her room meaning HER OWN line also cable to go with it...and maybe after xmas she might be able to get a job...Also if her parents have to move to arizona because morage company is "dip shits" as she puts it, her mother will allow her to get her OWN appartment across from school. But needs to have good grades and have atleast 1-2 roomates (she didnt indcate male or female ):-D ) Heather is very excited about this...Well that is the "kick ass" news report for today now have a safe halloween and a good night
OH man THAT NEWS REPORT IS TRUE! I Kinda don't want to get a job right now but oh well... but if I ge a cell phone for xmas I have to get one because (parents bought it i pay the bill) that BLOWS! but oh well I can work at Albertsons...Or ALamo OR even the MANNS! ROFL any ideas fools?! even if i don't know you comment if you wish! ROFL
OH shit my costume is awsome! NANCY SID VICIOUS'S G/F woot woot I look creepy ROFL but cool Michelle Is i think a rock star? not quite sure but were going to the mall today to get come clothes lol and hang ROFL oh tonite is going to be funny ROFL ROFL Priti and Irene are HOOTS they crack me up! ROFL I have no idea what they are Irene didnt know on friday...Priti...well lets just say....she changes her mind every 17 seconds what a silly girl lol well I believe that is it for now I will write back soon or tomorrow ...
guys tell me if this is a good line
*Clears thoart*
(girl walks into class then followed by her crush she see's him smiles *like always*) saying: Hey, how was your weekend?....*he answers* What did you do for halloween?...*he answers*...Oh really what were you? ..*he answers* Oh snap mine was so good I got my own phone line! meaning no parents answer my calls you know what! you should call it and try it out! heres the number!"
What do you think you guys? Smooth....or lame? rofl hey it was funny huh! ITS BETTER THEN him asking me where I live and me saying ...."Uh....I dont know! DOH!" that day was bad....ROFL Megan and them know what I mean ROFL That reminds me I should saying Hi to Marie more ROFL oh thanks guys for reminding me haven't talk to her and awhile....hmmmm ok well anyways tell me what you think me my "line" rofl kk bye! before i ramble on about nothing ROFL bye!