May 31, 2005 19:10
+ peed your pants?yea hasnt everyone when they're babies?
+ fallen off the bed?oh yeah
+ had plastic surgery?yupp...but not in the way you think
+ had your heart broken?sure
+ had a dream come true?maybe once
+ done something you regret?yes
+ broken a body part?yes
+ wearing - the dove god shirt, capris
+ listening to-tv
+ chewing -nothing
+ feeling -tired and tired
+ reading -stupid english book
+ chatting with-liz
+ watching -et.
[ DO YOU... ]
+ brush your teeth?yes
+ like anybody?sorta i think
+ have any piercings?yeah my ears
+ drive? go karts?
+ believe in Santa Claus?sure why not
+ ever get off the computer?sometimes
+ who are your best?hmmm well there are just so many
+ who is the loudest? eliza
+who laughs the most? chanel
+ who have you known the shortest?umm well besides me probably liz or suzy
+ do you consider yourself popular?no
+ do you trust your friends?yes
+ are you a good friend?yea..i hope so
+ can you keep a secret?yeah
+ hugged -ummmm i dont remember...sad yea i know
+ IMed -joe i think
+ talked to on the phone -liz
+ yelled at-tim
+ tripped - hmm i dont remember but someone tripped me today
+ What do you want to be when you grow up?CSI
+ What was the worst day of your life? ummm.hmmm.yea
+ What is your most embarrassing story?there are alot cause im like a walking disaster lol
+ What comes first in your life?family&friends.
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them?well i wouldnt want them cause then i would look like a bigger freak
[ FAVORITE . . .]
+ Sport:dance..yea its a sport. you sweat
+ Ice Cream Flavor: cookies and cream
+ Fruit:i like alot of fruit
+ Candy:popables or lindt
+ Holiday: ummm summer?
+ Day of the Week: saturdya
+ Color: yellow
+ Name for a Girl: sophia or hannah...dont know why
[ DO YOU . . .]
+ Like to give hugs? yeahh
+ Like to walk in the rain? hell yea
+ Prefer black or blue pens? black
+ Dress up on Halloween? eh not really...but i like boas and crowns
+ Have a job? yeah sorta
+ Like to travel? depends
+ Like someone? yea i think so
+ Want to marry? yes
+ Have a goldfish? i killed them all =/
+ Ever have the falling dream? yea alot
+ Have stuffed animals? yeah
+ Go on vacation? in the summer
+ Pierced nose or tongue? tongue
+ Be serious or funny? funny
+ Simple or Complicated? simple
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? dawsons creek
+ Sugar or salt? sugar
+ Silver or gold? silver
+ Tongue or belly button ring? belly button
+ Chocolate or flowers? flowers.
+ Angels or miracles? miracles
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? black and white
+ Sunrise or sunset?sunset
+ M&M's or Skittles? m&ms
+ Rap or Rock? rock
+ Stay up late or sleep in? depends
+ TV or radio? depends
+ Hot or cold? ummm cold
+ Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter? taller
+ Sun or moon? moon...unless i want a tan
+ Diamond or Ruby? diamond
+ Left or Right? right
+ Vanilla or chocolate? vanilla
+ Cat or dog? dog
+ Newspaper or Magazine?magazine
+ Spring or Fall? spring
+ Rain or snow? rain
+ Lace or satin? satin
+ Happy or sad? happy
+ sneakers or sandals? uually sandals
+ Mexican or Italian food? italian
+ Candy or soda? candy
+ A house in the woods or the city? city
+ Do you go to church? not really
+ Do you like church? no
+ What's your favorite kind of tree? ummm willow i guess (cause thats the only one i can think of lol)
+ double jointed? no
+ Tattoos? no
+ Piercings? yes
+ Do you make your bed daily? no
+ Which shoe goes on first? uh i dont know
+ Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? all the time
+ On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? depends if i just got paid..but usually like 25
+ What jewelry do you wear 24/7? earrings, watch, bracelets (blakc and pink)
so yeah i didnt want to do my english homework lol