Title: City Lights
faded_citylitesLength: oneshot
Genre: fluff? lol. i'm not sure.
Rating: G (:
Pairing: JongYu!
Note: started this a while ago and finished it on a whim? haha. and uh, this is my first time attempting JongYu (though, this would really just be one of my firsts writing anything besides Yoosu), so i can't imagine it'd be much good.
between the foreign signs and the large crowds, he feels small )
this! THIS! was so mushy and gushy and gooey and the cherry to my cream pie. (seriously, i could go on)
AHHH, soo cute! although with jongyu, i unnno if they'll survive in nyc. HAHA, they're too dorky! :D
HOMG, thanks for writing! /praises ♥
yeah. maybe that's why this is so short :'D
i'm sure if it was any longer, they would've been kidnapped or something.
thanks for reading (& the praising)~ (:
if it was longer, i'd be the one kidnapping them, ahah.
then you get the other members of shinee. araso? sounds like a plan, x)
& no prob, bb! :D
but my eyes might be dying due to the bling. x)
haha. you can take them, but jjong's mine ;D
NOOOO! he's my favoritee!!! BOOOOOO!
fine, i'll keep the rest then. :P
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