Sep 03, 2004 17:01
so its the day that the cane is gona hit.. and my work just called me 2 tell me i dont gotta go in cuz they r closing at 5 (which is awesome :-)).. but i went with michele 2 go get sum 'hurricane food', right?.. so we went to the gas station on coral ridge thats right across the street from the 711.. and we went inside er wutever n got sum stuff.. plus we got a bottle of the new mountain dew pitch black.. n we were sitting in my car, drinking it, n all of a sudden i feel my fuckin car move and a fuckin huge ass white van pulled into the spot next 2 me.. so im like wtf.. n i see when he looks in my car, he puts on this fuckin smile like 'o, theyre just teenager girls, they dont kno shit'.. right, so i get outta my car n start fuckin bitching this guy out.. i just start fuckin yelling at him like 'u fuckin hit my car?? wut the fuck are you doing?? are you fucking retarded??'.. so the motherfuckin spic (no offense) keeps sayin 'i no hit ur car.. i no buy you new car' n he fuckin walks into the gas station.. so im like o hell no.. so i got out my pen n wrote down his liscence plate # n the info about the van.. n stand there all pissed off n shit, n when he comes back out, i walk over 2 him n im like 'let me see ur liscence'.. n hes like 'i no hit ur car'.. so he gets in his fucking van n starts 2 drive away.. HELLO.. fuckin dumbass.. first of all i have his liscence, secondly he cant just fucking drive away from sumthin like this.. so im like wtf.. n these teenager guys who were watchin the whole thing were like 'do u want us 2 go get his liscence?'.. like they were gona go chase him down, i wuz like 'naw, its ok, i got it'.. n some other ppl were tellin me 2 call the cops cuz its technically a hit n run, which is illegal.. so then the two ppl who were workin in the store come out n r all like 'we saw the whole thing, we were watching from inside, n he didnt hit ur car, i mean, i came VERY close, but he didnt hit it'.. yeah BULLSHIT.. 1st of all, i wuz IN the fuckin car n i felt it move (not normal!).. secondly, why the fuck would they be watching sum1 pull into their gas station?? more like he's either friends with them, or they dont want ne trouble there.. but then the fuckin ladys like 'well ur a little bit over the line'.. wut, so now its my fault that he "didnt hit my car"?.. cuz i recall her saying he didnt.. so why would it matter??.. so im just like wutever, fuck this.. i mean, no, he didnt dent my car and there wuz only a small scratch, but just the fact that the guy chose 2 be a fucking asshole n lie about something that he did.. and then 2 fucking DRIVE AWAY!!.. wow i so wanted to shoot him!.. but yeah, how fucked up is that shit??