if i were a star... would i have the strength to shine??

May 06, 2004 22:21

been awhile since i updating n i dont really have much 2 say.. been sick 4 awhile now 2, keep coughing n losing my voice :-(.. make it go away!!!!!

-miss the past
-wish things were simpler
-wish i could have wut i want
-miss the friends who drifted away
-wish things didnt change so often
-wish i had time 2 deal
-miss being able 2 just sit n think
-wish i knew wut ppl were thinking
-wish i could make my friends happier
-miss pointless 'do nothing' days
-wish insecurities never existed
-wish i could escape
-miss the little things
-wish i understood
-wish everything wuznt so complicated
-miss the random phone calls
-wish people could change
-wish things were better

~x:X my heart screams in confusion X:x~
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