you and your hand.

Sep 17, 2006 07:58

WELL, it's that time again. Update, or die. Well, not really, but I'm bored, and we've done some mildly entertaining things since I last did. Firstly, let me say that, barring the lucky few, we are all at the moment, sharing the plight of singleness. It's a disease fast spreading over the young, beautiful, hilariously funny and frighteningly intelligent girls that I know. I caught this disease a while ago, and it's just gotten to the next stage, where my possibility (albeit a VERY far off one) of not staying single just snared the cure - a girlfriend. If you can understand that cryptic reference (VENETIA). 
  So why is it that we just keep on:

a.) falling for the wrong boys; the ones that are too old for us, too good for us (in their eyes), too popular for us, too dickheaded for us, too dumb for us, too unattracted to us. WHY can we not fall for a nice, sane boy who has fallen for us in the same way?

b.) attracting the wierdos? the boys who assume that we find them as damned attractive and witty as they find themselves; the boys that have dated many a gal and who think that this little fact will make us beg them to date us; the boys that "are working through something right now" and can't seem to find time for the feelings they said they had for us. It's surprising how well they can hold their head up, considering the weight of their massive egos.

c.) Doing embarrassing, regrettable things? Why is it that we decide, YES, I am going to ignore him, he's not worth my time, he's not worth ANYONE'S time, and then lose control of our legs as they direct us to him, and then losing control of our mouth as it cheerfully engages him in conversation - again? Then there are the accidental things that make us curse our company - this week, I was told a story by a goregous girl whose DOG managed to embarrass her in a guy-oriented situation.

d.) Finding out horrible things about them? Like, their ex was a model. OH GOODY! Or, yeah, they got this chick pregnant. But don't worry, it was in high school.  Or, yeah, he DOES smoke, but like, he's not addicted. He just needs them from time to time. Each day. Oh, and, the hook-up with your best friend? It didn't MEAN anything, ok? He was drunk, and so was she, and so it was obviously an accident. And anyway, if you're all...stressed about it, you're paranoid or something. Seriously, he thinks you're immature, and if you can't handle that, maybe he doesn't want to date you after all.

e.) Continually get treated like we are diseased? Vin and I were subject to this particular ailment yesterday evening. Boys: Can you NOT ignore us, and wait for US to come to YOU so that YOU can feel like you have groupies? You ACTUALLY had the two of us laughing at YOUR immaturity, darling, and it's not an attractive feature on somebody like yourself. Trust me. You're a man, yes, but you have all the prowess of Begby when you're awkward. And you don't have to be.

Alright. You probably didn't understand that rather confusing and ranting entry, but here's the general gist: I'm pissed off with boys, that one in particular. Ignore me one more fucking time and you'll find that you won't be able to have those "24 hour dates" you've become famous for. Age? Yes. It matters. Maturity? Matters even more. One of us is lacking in the former, the other in the latter. You are the latter. So let's just all STOP walking in wide circles around each other and be normal. It's really hurting me, and you know it is.

By the way: Vin said this yesterday: "if you're have a hand...use it."

Maybe if you'd done that, it would be better. I still love you, but I hate you very very much right now. Not that you care.

xx bear

you and your hand

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