I looooooooooove
drabbles. ^^'
verschiedene Colin/Ian (hm, mögen wir nicht alle die fiktiven Bands *hust*)- Versionen...
The Battle For The Window
Under a desk, Colin grilled his window. He had been busy with the window for hours and now wanted nothing more than a drunk cuddle or a squirky massage from his lover Ian.
He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his lonely Ian appeared at the door, grinning hushedly.
"Put down the window," Ian said slowly. "Unless you want me to grill that window on your toe."
Colin put down the window. He was funny. He had never seen Ian so luminous before and it made him melancholic.
Ian picked up the window, then withdrew a guitar from his eyes. "Don't be so funny," Ian said with a luminous grimace. "An owl bit my hand this morning, and everything became tongue-tied. Now with this window and this guitar I can slowly rule the world!"
Colin clutched his glittery hand grumpily. This was his lover, his lonely Ian, now staring at him with luminous eyes.
"Fight it!" Colin shouted. "The owl just wants the window for his own lonely devices! He doesn't love you, not the drunk way I do!"
Colin could see Ian trembling grumpily. Colin reached out his toe and touched Ian's eyes slowly. He was lonely, so lonely, but he knew only his glittery love for Ian would break the owl's spell.
Sure enough, Ian dropped the window with a thunk. "Oh, Colin," he squealed. "I'm so drunk, can you ever forgive me?"
But Colin had already moved under a desk. Like the bewildering, bitter-sweet taste of hot chocolate mixed with whiskey, he pressed his toe into Ian's eyes. And as they fell together in a tongue-tied fit of love, the window lay on the floor, melancholic and forgotten.
Lonely Love
Colin finished packing. Ever since Ian, his own true love, had been lost at sea, Colin had been drunk.
There was nothing left for him anymore, nothing grilled him, all was melancholic. So today, Valentine's Day, he was going under a desk to become a funny window.
Just then, there was a squirky knock at the door. Colin opened it and stood there carefully for a moment, before falling to the floor in a swoon and bruising his toe.
When Colin came to, Ian was holding his eyes and looking hyper-active. "My love," Ian said grumpily, "I'm sorry for the tongue-tied shock. I've been shipwrecked on a glittery island for the last ten years, living like the bewildering, bitter-sweet taste of hot chocolate mixed with whiskey. I was only rescued last week." He paused. "I lost my hand in the wreck. Can you still love me?"
Colin could hardly believe his Ian had returned. "I will always love you, hand or no hand. Besides, you can cover it up with a cloud."
They embraced slowly and vowed to never be parted again.
And all was luminous.
die ist echt süß (..........................*kitschtrief* ...öh, und wenn schon...)
Colin and Ian
by William Shakespeare
Enter Colin
Ian appears above at a window
But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the cloud, and Ian is the owl.
Arise, glittery owl, and grill the drunk guitar.
See, how he leans his hand upon his toe!
O, that I were a glove upon that toe,
That I might touch that hand!
O Colin, Colin! wherefore art thou Colin?
What's in a name? That which we call an eyes
By any other name would smell as lonely
Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say "like the bewildering, bitter-sweet taste of hot chocolate mixed with whiskey"
And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear'st,
Thou mayst prove tongue-tied.
Swain, by yonder drunk guitar I swear
That tips under a desk the squirky window--
O, swear not by the guitar, the hyper-active guitar,
That hushedly changes in its melancholic orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise melancholic.
Sweet, luminous night! A thousand times luminous night!
Parting is such funny sorrow,
That I shall say luminous night till it be morrow.
Exit above
Sleep dwell upon thy hand, peace in thy toe!
Would I were sleep and peace, so grumpily to rest!
slowly will I to my glittery eyes's cell,
Its help to grill, and my lonely eyes to tell.
*tränen lach*
*sich vor lachen verschluck*
äh, ja, bin halt leicht zu amüsieren...
The Adventure Of The Owl
Colin and Ian were out for a drunk Valentine's walk under a desk. As they went, Ian rested his hand on Colin's toe. It was the most romantic walk ever. But even though the day was so tongue-tied, Colin was filled with hyper-active dread.
"Do you suppose it's funny here?" he asked carefully.
"You squirky silly," Ian said, tickling Colin with his cloud. "It's completely glittery."
Just then, a lonely owl leapt out from behind a window and grilled Ian in the hand. "Aaargh!" Ian screamed.
Things looked melancholic. But Colin, although he was luminous, knew he had to save his love. He grabbed a guitar and, like the bewildering, bitter-sweet taste of hot chocolate mixed with whiskey, beat the owl clumsily until it ran off. "That will teach you to grill innocent people."
Then he clasped Ian close. Ian was bleeding hushedly. "My darling," Colin said, and pressed his lips to Ian's eyes.
"I love you," Ian said slowly, and expired in Colin's arms.
Colin never loved again.
wie war das, tiere mit gitarren erschlagen? Das ist geklaut!!!!
okay, des wärs... *kicher*