Dec 07, 2008 23:24
I just noticed Gabe wrote a blog on myspace pertaining to evangelical uproar about the use of the word "GOD" on the 2008 dollar coin.
By mere coincidence, I just watched the documentary Constantine's Sword on my netflix on my 360 (which is a bad ass way to watch my streaming movies by the way). It focused on this ex catholic priest who left the order after being dissapointed at the Church's treatment (or ignorance) of Jews throughout history.
The coincidence part was that the documentary focused on the U.S. Air Force academy in Colorado Springs, Coloradio. There is an evangelical church just down the road from the Air Force Base which has strong ties to it. In a nutshell, there was controversy there because anyone non christian (such as the Jewish couple who were cadets there) was mistreated, threatened, and generally not treated the same as those who were evangelicals. The Jewish cadet's father is a former graduate of the academy, and decided to sue the Air Force. Not long after, he received death threats, and there was attempted arson to the house of a Christian Pastor who supported the man.
See this is why I hate people. I'm not gonna single out any groups, cause that's pointless. Everyone is to blame who thinks shit up like threatening others into submission, into converting, and so forth. I was visited by a Baptist mother and her child at my home yesterday. They wanted me to come to their church. I respecfully declined and thanked them. They left. That was it. It should be that simple...not "FUCK YOU YOU NON BELIEVER, BURN IN HELL"