Jul 02, 2006 18:33
Today I didnt go anywhere cuz i had cramps and that sucks. I am just sooooooo happy that Steph re-considered owning the site with me, I mean owning the site alone would be plain boring and just no fun. I mean it was her idea to even make a site in the first place and I seriously was disappointed when she said she didnt feel like making it anymore for whatever reason. Anyways the fact is we are owning together now *YAYYY*, and above all she got the whole site coded, GO STEPH!...............but ofcourse with help from a friend. WOW, I just can't believe we are done with the coding part of the site, like I thought we would only get that part done next month but what are the odds of having it done today.=) I can't wait till Wednsday, meeting Steph and Rosh after over a week, loong time. Lol.
I also put a banner up of the corner crew!!!! These are my homies, and my best friends or more like my only friends. :P