I Don't Want to Be A Murderer-Chapter 4

Sep 12, 2010 01:23

Title: I Don't Want To Be A Murderer
Author: factualrealityy
Chapter: Chapter 4
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex, non-consensual Jack/William Beckett
POV: Third
Summary: A violent Jack serves time in prison, constantly haunted by the memory of what he did.
Warnings: Raape.
Disclaimer: We would have heard if this had happened, and I'm kind of glad it didn't. I don't own these characters. I just like to use them as puppets.
Author Notes: Sorry this took so long! Life got in the way, but I'm actually really liking how this chapter turned out.

Jack had been in prison for two months now. His insanity (as he had dubbed it) was ironically enough the only thing keeping him sane behind the walls, and he had a feeling his prison sentence would be short, at least mentally. The only thing that was even the slightest hiccup per say in Jack’s life was the fear that, once his sentence was over, Alex would disappear. The VHS tape was the only real evidence he had that the other boy was real, but then again, it was very hard evidence…he often wondered if Alex would ever make himself visible to Jack. He just wanted to talk to him, apologise for what he had done, even though he still didn’t remember even doing it. Life was getting easier, even when taking the prison into consideration-until one evening after dinner.

As the men were being escorted back to their cells, Jack had kept his head down and was doing his best to look small and unnoticeable. He was still worried about the threat from his first night, Jack Barakat’s a Dead Man, and the site of Beckett out of the corner of his eye still made his chest squeeze in terror. After William’s stint in solitary, Jack found him different slightly, fearful, and he seemed to be broken or defeated. Until that night, after dinner. He was walking past the cell next to his, a cell that made the hair on the back of his neck stand up, when he noticed the guard was dealing with something else. Two men had begun to fight, and he only had to look at them for a second before he felt that much more terrified. The two men fighting were Adam Siska and a man known only as The Butcher-Beckett’s cohorts.

He opened his mouth to scream, to protest-but he felt a hand wrap around his neck and drag him into the cell, and as he was thrown to the cold concrete floor he heard the door close and stared up at the tall, thin man standing above him. Beckett’s eyes were crazy, and as he closed the cell door behind him, Jack couldn’t help but let a small whimper of fear escape his mouth.

“You still think I’m a girl, J-Jack?” Beckett asked, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to his feet in such a way that Jack felt his shoulder painfully tug. His heart threatened to leap from his chest, but its chances of escaping were about the same as Jack’s-nothing. “We’ll see if I can change your mind.” The other man’s large boney hand gripped the back of Jack’s shirt and pushed his chest onto the mattress, an angle poorly suited for Jack’s long legs. He regretted never taking yoga, and as he felt his pants getting ripped down his hips, he regretted, again, what he had the first time.

This was it, he pressed inside gently and watched the other boy lean his head back and bite down on his bottom lip, his face contorting ever so slightly into one of pain and discomfort, but the little smile was still there. Jack smiled and pushed the finger in further, moving it slowly until he managed to get a moan out of the slightly older boy lying underneath him.

He heard Beckett unzip his pants and felt the other man’s erection press against him. He tried to pull away, grabbing Beckett’s boney fingers as they dug into Jack’s hip bones, but it only seemed to make Beckett madder. When William pushed inside him with violent force, Jack began to scream, but his face was pressed into the mattress until he couldn’t breathe.

“Jaack…” Alex moaned, his hips bucking off the bed as Jack’s fingers brushed against that spot, and Alex’s hands were tangling in Jack’s messy black hair, earning a smile from Jack as he looked up at him. “Please…I need you now…” and Jack had repositioned himself, rolling so his body was on top of him. Alex smiled at him, brushing his fingers across the side of Jack’s face as he wrapped his legs around him. “Come on, Jack,”

“Come on Jack,” Beckett snapped, thrusting his hips even harder into Jack’s already sore body, his lower half screaming in pain. “Say it. Am. I. A. Bitch?” Every single word was punctuated with an equally as violent thrust into him, causing more muffled screams.

The feeling inside Alex made Jack moan softly as he slowly started to rock into him, making Alex whimper and bite down on his bottom lip as he held onto Jack’s shoulders, moaning and groaning and begging for more, as Jack’s cock hit that spot each time. The sweat breaking on Alex’s forehead, the pink flush crossing over his chest and body, it made Jack crazy and he knew he was going to finish soon, but not until Alex did. He wrapped his hand around him and began to stroke him slowly, letting his thumb play over the slit to earn even louder moans from the other boy, and with a shudder and an arch of his hips-

Beckett groaned and then it was over, the sick warm feeling inside of him making Jack want to puke. As William pulled out of him and pushed him hard until he fell over, dropping to his knees and grabbing at the blanket as he felt tears begin to stream down his cheeks. Very hesitantly, he glanced slowly back at William, and the evil wicked smirk that was crossing the man’s lips.

“Am I a little girly, Jack?” William asked, as he slapped his hand across Jack’s violated ass. Jack let out a small squeak of pain, pushing his face into the mattress again. “Answer me. Am I a little girly?”
“N-no…” Jack whimpered, trying to stand up weakly as he felt his knees shake. Oh God…it was dripping… “You’re not a girl…” William’s lips spread into another sick sadistic smile, as he pressed his hand almost possessively to Jack’s lower back, sliding it along to grab his side.

“But from now on, J-Jack, you’re my girl.” He squeezed his hips hard enough to leave a bruise, before kissing Jack’s cheek and licking his tongue across it, making Jack shudder and feel sick and disgusting. “Get the fuck out of my cell before I kill you.”

Naked, spent-Alex laid his head on Jack’s chest and tried to regain his breath as Jack stared at the ceiling with a satisfied smile on his face. He was happy now, happier than he’d ever been, and as he held Alex close to him, he knew that was never going to change. He placed a light kiss on his boyfriend’s forehead, as Alex’s eyes flicked up to meet his.

“I love you, Jack,”

“I love you too, Lexi…”
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