about time...

Jul 28, 2004 15:18

Short short update: (more of a rant and rave of the day but whatever):

Cinderella story: Saw it 3 times. I love it! The only thing that could make Edwin Mccain's "I'll Be" a better song is the violin. Well, that's what they did in this movie. Besides, white roses are my favorite. Dancing to my favorite song played with my favorite insturment under a gazebo (strange word eh?) of my favorite flowers means that this is my new favorite scene in a movie. I heart girlie movies like that. Although I have to say that:

Anchorman is the BEST movie of summer. I don't think I've ever laughed that hard during any movie. I'll be seeing that again.

My sister: I've been spending time with her. Had lunch at her apt. went with her to Cinderella story. She WANTS to go to Fusion! that moved me to tears! She asked if anyone would talk to her and sign for her and I said yes! yes! Jenny Lee was a big help too. Jayce and I were talking about this Mon. and now it's only Wed. and she has a desire to go to church! this is my biggest happy moment thus far!

Rant time~~~

I was driving home from Cinderella Story (third time! but I took my Mom to see it!) and NOT ONE PERSON USED THEIR TURN SIGNAL!
It is such an easy task! Don't just slow down and take 45 min to turn when I dont EVEN KNOW THAT YOURE TURNING! Come on folks! Using youre turn signal does a few positive things:
1) Stops accidents
2)Makes the percentage of slamming on brakes go WAY down
3)Prevents road rage
4)Most Importantly, keeps me from yelling at you from inside my car.

Do society a favor and use your turn signal!!!! The world will be a better place for it!!! Thank you!

~Sorry about not updating for so long! SO MUCH has happened that my head is still spinning since West Virgina. All I can say is God is the most amazing thing that will ever happen! I'm in such a constant state of awe lately that it's crazy! I even cried about it this morning!!! Well, I'm gonna go! Say your prayers and USE YOUR TURN SIGNALS ;)

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