Jan 30, 2005 08:51
well not to much has been going on lately no school monday tuesday or wednesday so i just pretty much snowboarded all day for those days. Thursday we started new classes my classes are decent they all seem pretty easy but i only know like 2 people in most of them so that kinda sucks. after school thursday i snowboarded again. friday i went to school again. After school chris's mom picked me up and braught me chris and alex to the train station in franklin and we took the train into boston and we met his dad at south station. then we went and parked then went and parked then ate. after that we headed over to the fleet center and got inline to get in and we cut a couple hundred people just to get a walter mccarty bobble head doll which is fuckin pimp.it was a pretty good game in the second half. celtics sucked first half. some asshole infront of us was wearing a red sox hat with a straudlemier jersey and was so annoying some1 needed to kill him. the ride home was pretty fast and funny. saturday started out with a trip down to diesils with kyle and chris and alex and my brother. After that we all came back to my house and snowboarded for a little while and ryan even made a showing hes pretty nasty at snowboarding lol. I stopped snowboarding at like 4 so i could get ready to go out to eat at loucianos in wrentham. Once we got there the owner came over and was talking to us and for some reason told us that adam vinateri and charlie wiess were there so that was pretty awesome. when i got home from that alex came and picked me up with chris and kyle and we went to dollar tree to buy some candy then we went and played poker at tonys. my first table was so easy me and chris kicked ass at it. First i knocked out joe malkin the faggit then chris knocked out pete kuhn. once i got to the final table i won the first 3 hands and got a shit load of chips. 1 hand later g-bo went all in. 2 hands later kyle went all in and i called and i won then a couple minutes later chris went all in and i called again and won then it was me vs alex who is 1 of the most ridiculous betters ever. he kept going all in so finally i called and i lost and i had 7 chips and got back up to 64 but then lost misrably. then once that was over joe and tony randomly started hitting me with shit and it pissed me off and i didnt do nething then like 10 minutes later joe though he would be funny and come up from behind and choke me and i flipped out and threw him into a pole and right when i was about to hit him some1 decided to grab both my arms so i couldnt do shit and i was in a fuckin headlock which pissed me off even more. i was ready to fuckin kill him. then after that the night ended with a trip to diesils with alex kyle and chris.