Jun 25, 2004 21:52
So yesterday was all about no doubt right?
Well before the concert I had to go beg my math teacher to be added back into the class because I missed a week and a half I thought it started next week (obviously I was wrong) so thankfully he let me in. I went to go pick up Stefanie at 6 and after subway we were ready. It was simple the exit for the freeway was right there we were on our way then I decided that north just seemed better.... I guess cause I went north instead of south. Bad idea considering the amount of traffic going south when we had to turn around seven miles later after both of us stopped talking and realized...wait this isn’t right. So then we turn around I cut off like a billion people and we are stuck in okay traffic. Map quest was all jacked up I don’t recommend it any more. First it said to take the 54 south. Um 54 is an even #, evens are east or west. The it told us to exit on a street that was never there. Once we saw the big sign saying soon entering Mexico I decided to cut off more people and take the next exit. Some how it was the right one. Thank god. So we get there an hour late and all thinking we missed Blink. Actually The Living End played then No doubt we made it right one time. The concert it’s self wasn’t the best I’ve gone to until I got a piece of Gwen Stafani’s shirt. This crazy lady paid 165 dollars for floor and she was kinda on drugs and let me have a piece she was wicked cool though. I can officially say now that blink sucks live but live and learn right. Right before we left Mark was talking about how back in the day kids had lighters on during slow songs but not it’s not “safe” so since he wanted a glow in the crowd to raise our cell phones and turn it on. Honestly it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. On our way to leaving people were handing out free stuff, and we all know how I love a great product when it’s free. So I ran over to get it (all hair stuff) I didn’t care though. Then after I packed Stefanie down with crap we were about to lose everything so she came up with the great idea to roll stuff up in the sweater. We tossed everything on the ground including ourselves and started cracking up for no reason. Then this guy though I was OD’ing and tried to get me help. Once he figured I was okay he thought I was tiring to inhale the hairspray. Crazy. Yes yesterday night pure Looney’s to the guys goggling over us, chain smokers, beer drinkers and buyers, from insane men to us two lost, young girls. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.