Jun 30, 2004 23:51
matt sims died. WHAT THE FUCK? really i cant believe it happened. but i knwo taht people DO jsut die for no reason. i feel bad taht i was a btich to him at certian points. and i feel good taht i still made small talk with him on the bus or in class/the halls at school. but dying is a part of life taht we have to deal with. and i feel so abd for his family. becasue his family is really so nice. and i ahve known all of them since like 1st grade! GAWD I JSUT CANT BELIEVE THIS! but i guess there is a plan for everyone and you jsut have to live everyday like its your alst and ahev no regrets....
alright on to what ive been up to..
camp- PRAISE THE LORD! hahah sike. jesus camp was fun. allt he little kids were cute. they amde me lead bible study?OK that didnt go so well. i have never been to curch
day i get home from camp- mike levin gets jumped while me and amanda see it happen, cops come to my house, blah.blah.blah you all know the story by now
saturday- PURE madness. amadna and i wreaking havoc on east columbia still trashed. watch out.
sunday- umm i worked and besides taht the most exciting part of the day was when i wacked greg zalinski in the shin with a broom
monday- i worked? yes i think tahts it
tuesday- work, bass, val and i ahd din din and i went out wiht brad,steve,stewart,mike, and mike
today- went to ikea with cindy and i jsut got home from ben folds. it was good
so i am tired and hungry and i feel sick. and i am oncall for work tomrrow. and tis only the second week of summer and tis so much shit already.