Jan 16, 2006 23:04
So yesterday was officially mine and Brad's 3 month anniversary. It was also, interesting enough, one year exactly since we met. Crazy how things like that work out. :)
This weekend was pretty crazy. Friday night was Dena's bday/welcome home party at Brad's... which was a lot of fun. Saturday started out fun and then got ridiculous because some people are completely immature. But whatever, who cares. Sunday night the Fab Five went to Oldies Night which was probably the most fun time I've ever had at the bar. I love having girls night...we really don't do it enough anymore. I literally think the entire campus was there too, it was freakin packed.
I know this sounds pretty conceited, but I've been really proud of myself lately. I'm really proud of the way I have grown up the past few months. I've discovered how crazy and stupid that some things I did in the past were. I've also found out what really makes me happy, and what I need and don't need to have fun. I'm really going to be focused on school also. I'm pumped to get back on the damn President's List, so hopefully that will happen. I feel like I am finally truly becoming an adult. I'm ready to move on with my life. I think about the future a lot.... and for once in my life it is clear: I know what I want, and what I have to do in the meantime. Life is good. :)