Home for the Holidays!

Dec 18, 2005 17:07

So I came back from school Thursday afternoon. In a freaking crazy ass snowstorm. It sucked big time and took me almost 3 hours to get home when it usually takes me under 2. But it honestly helped my fear of driving in snow, cuz if I can do that, I can drive up in Mt. Pleasant no problem next semester. Let's see... thank God the semester is over, because it sucked huge balls. I did all right though, I definitely got an A in my grad level course which is sweet. It feels good not to have to think for a month... or almost a month. Friday night I went over to Brad's and hung out with him, his parents, aunt and uncle, and his brother.. oh and his parents friends came over too. It was nice to just lay low. I love coming home and there is no real pressure to have to get drunk all the time on the weekends. I feel so disrespectful coming back to my parents house drunk. That's what college is for. And living on your own. Yesterday I went back to Brad's for his family Christmas party. Not gonna lie, I was seriously nervous and intimidated to go, because it was pretty much his entire one side of the family, but everything was fine. After I had met everyone and was there for a few minutes I wasn't nervous or uncomfortable or anything. His family is really wonderful and friendly, I really had a great time. And I got to meet Brad's grandma too, who is very sweet and reminds me so much of my Grandma Mary. So the whole family thing is wonderful and I feel so welcome in his house. Everyone seemed to really like me too, which is very important as well. :)

Oh, and my stupid left eye is all messed up again. I'm gonna have to go to the eye doctors in the morning to figure out what the hell is wrong with it this time. Yay.
It's really hard to be a Lions fan right now. I can't believe so many people wore orange and black and Fire Millen shirts, but shit, something has got to be done with the Lions. It's pathetic. I could run that organization better than it's being run right now.
I didn't go to church this morning because I got home really late last night, and my sister woke me up a half hour before we were supposed to leave, so I'll be goin next week on Christmas day which is wonderful.
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