Every day there's a new storm I know will past

Oct 17, 2005 13:19

So I never got the chance to update yesterday. I was still upset over the comments made at that dinner. I don't know why I've let it get to me.
I was supposed to go the gym this morning but ended up sleeping in. I had a fairly early night, but was just exhausted. So instead I'm going to walk into town, as per usual, do my crunches and just try and get all my assignments done by Wednesday. They're due Friday. I've written 2500 of my feature, so only need 1000 to go with it.

I saw Pride and prejudice yesterday with Sophie and the boy. Yes, the boy actually went to it. I didn't push him. He wanted to go. I told him he didn't need to, but he said he wanted to understand. So I guess it was like an experiment of sorts on his behalf.
So we went, and Sophie, S and I were the only ones who were giggling during the film. Okay, Soph and I did most the giggling but the rest of the audience were deadly silent.
But the boy was wonderful. He bought us popcorn, bought Sophie chocolate cause she was teary and pmsing.
I made the mistake of saying to her that she looked sexy in the outfit she was wearing. I was complimenting her, but she freaked out and got changed.
She doesn't like to be told that she looks sexy.
I meant it as a compliment, as in she looked gorgeous in the outfit, because she did.
But she took it completely wrong.
I told her she should be proud of her body, and not be so conscious.
So she was upset before we went, but the movie changed that.

I was so mushy after the film. It was one of those films where I actually clasped my hands to my chest and gushed. Embarassing to admit, but I loved it. I was expecting to loathe the guy that played Mr Darcy, but he was very err appealing. He had beautiful eyes.
I'm a sucker for eyes, hands and jaw. He had nice of all.
And Keira Knightly was brilliant as Elizabeth.
The whole film was done brilliantly, and I'm going to have to see it again.

The boy even admitted to liking it. It apparently wasn't bad for a 'chick' flick.
But I was mushy enough to want to hold his hand and be affectionate in public. That's just not me.

We ended up buying some DVD's, or I ended up buying DVD's. I got a jerry Bruckheimer pack, which included King Arthur, Armageddon and enemy of the state.
I also picked up bend it like Beckham and the Princess Bride. So, yup I did a shopfest for DVDs.
We ended up curling up on my bed and watching King Arthur. I'm a big fan of Jerry Bruckheimer. Love his shows, and love most his films. It's one of those things.
I liked King Arthur because they didn't make Guinevere a slut, like most of the other King Arthur tales. That and they dealt with new historical research, and used a historian on the set. I also liked the battle scenes.
The Princess Bride I wanted to get because it apparently has one of the best sword scenes ever, and I'm a Cary Elwes girl.
Haven't had the chance to watch it yet. I need to get these assignments out the way.

I need to gym it tomorrow.

My mother called this morning, so I spoke to her for an hour or so. She spoke to the boy too. My parents LOVE the boy.
She's got this week off, so I thought I'd wander up to Melbourne this week maybe on Thursday, stay until Saturday and then wander back home again.
I need to get out of this town, and want to do some clothes shopping. I just need to get out of here for a couple of days and unwind. I'm too stressed here at the moment. We'll see what happens though.

I still need to do my crunches. I'm going back up to 230 a day I think. I'm just too conscious about my body right now.

The boy told me he loves me just the way I am, but I told him it's not about anyone else loving me for me. It's me learning to love myself for me. Right now I can't.
I'm my biggest critic.

boyfriend, eating disorder, personal

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