I'm holding out for a hero until the morning light

Aug 02, 2005 19:49

Somewhere after midnight in my wildest fantasies
some are just beyond reach
there's someone reaching back for me
racing on the thunder and rising on the hat
it's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet

Yikes. I just realise I have an assignment due in a month! Gee. I need to start working on my research file although I am pretty clear about what I want to do it on. I need to spend some of this weekend beginning it either way.

It's been the longest day! I didn't end up getting to sleep last night until 2am because S and I were just lying in bed talking. Another LONG talk. It's kind of helping us, because we are letting things out that we probably have kept in for a long time and sort of rediscovering what we love about each other.
I don't know whether we will make it, but I realise that we can't walk away. We have to try. I just want to take it slowly, and with baby steps. Not rush in, but having said that I am officially wearing my engagement ring again. But I've told him I don't want an engagement party yet. I need time to get used to us again, and that means more space, taking things slow and working through a few things.
He seemed happy to do this, so that's a good sign.

I slept really well, and woke up relaxed, happy and in his arms. I guess that says something since the last couple of times he's stayed over we've literally woken up on opposite sides of the bed. But this time we were pretty much wrapped up in each other, kind of like old times. It was nice.
I ended up waking up at 8am, so spent the time before David came down to work on the site a little and sort a few things out.
He wasn't too thrilled to hear that I am wearing my engagement ring again, but I am happy and he just said he's worried that I will get hurt.

David and I had a good day, although it got a little heated at times on my behalf because he wanted me to upload his script and it wasn't formatted or prepared properly, which meant extra work on my behalf but it's up in our writers section now.
I also got pissed off because there have been promises to get marketing done, and it hasn't been done. I pointed out that we need to market the hell out of this site, as well as the Tv show and radio.
But the good news is that Channel 31 saw the final cut of our show and loved it. They definitely want it.
We've decided that we need to design some flyers for writers to put up around our Uni's with the slogan "Get Wired", and a few of our lecturers are willing to hand them to their students.
We also plan on getting one of our models, who is an Indy 500 girl to wear a t-shirt with our slogan on it, and we're all going to do the same thing. Just market the hell out of us.
We've got a few other idea too, but they're the main ones right now.
On top of that we are planning on forming another company for a different type of business underneath the umbrella of Crosswired Entertainment, but I want nothing to do with that part of the business.
So we have a business meeting next Monday between David and I, which will mean going over the flyers designed, and working on the TV show that Channel Ten wants us to do quickly.
So life is busy.
On top of that I have my assignments, and my internship.
Life is getting hectic, busy, but wonderful all at once. Does that make sense? I just need to be careful I'm not going to burn myself out.
I need to gym it Thursday and Friday. Get some exercise damn it.

I went shopping today for clothes and couldn't find any jeans that I liked. I hate hipsters as I don't think my stomach is flat enough to wear them, and yeah I just hate them. Everywhere I went i found them. I want a pair of jeans that are in between normal jeans and hipsters. Another problem is legs. I have extremely long legs for 5'5'' but trying to find jeans that fit me in the leg still is a pain in the ass.
I also want black jeans but I found a pair that looked terrible on me. For one I needed a size 6, and I am NOT a size 6 in jeans. And they were just wrong, like hicksville jeans. I didn't think so. I did see some nice riders, but my best friend gulped at the $150 price tag.
*shrug* I have slightly expensive tastes. But come on they were Riders. I love Riders rotfl.
I need new clothes.

Oh on top of that I had a 70 year old guy wolf whistle at me today. Gee, all I was wearing was a midriff blue singlet top and black skintight pants.
I was kind of horrified.
Then some asshole yelled out of the car, "Nice ass". That's happened 2 times in a matter of days. I bet it's the same guy.

On top of that Monday we need to open a business account.
But I saw the pilot for Crosswired Tv and was impressed. Some great stuff. Although, I'm not a big fan of David's hosting.
On top of that we have produced another show for community TV with Southern Television, which will go around to all the schools in Australia as part of a Youth Forum. It's not profit making, but it means getting our name out there.
Gee, I'm too damn business orientated lately.
I need to unwind.
I'm flying solo tonight because I have my big class tomorrow, and just want to watch the 4400 and unwind completely.
I still haven't attempted to watch Charmed season one yet. Maybe before I go to bed tonight.

Anyway I need to lie down or do something remotely non active.

sweet dreams

cross-wired, personal crosswired, boyfriend, x-wired, xwired

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