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Jul 27, 2005 22:35

I'm finally listening to Simple Plan's album. I've had it for just under a year, and until today I hadn't listened to it. It's not like I didn't listen to it on purpose, but sometimes when I get new albums I put them aside and plan on listening to them and get sidetracked. This was a very long sidetracked. I've also got to be in the mood to listen to new music.
But since I heard it this morning I've played it about three times, and I do like it. The lead vocalist has a kind of androidy voice. Kind of reminds me of the singing from Bowling for soup, but not so androidy. It must be a common theme for punky style bands.
It's been a relaxing night. I ended up catching up online with a friend of mine. I've known him since we went to Chadstone High School together all those years ago, and he's now living in Bendigo and well I'm here. We just got talking about old times and such. I was telling him about the complicatedness of my relationship.
He told me a few different things. Out of him, my brother and I apparently he always knew I was the most intelligent.
Well...that was a given LOL.
Secondly he told me I was a very strong, and that whatever decision I made wouldn't be the wrong one. He told me I could listen to everyone, ask the whole world for advice but when it came down to it, it was my decision to make and my decision wouldn't be the wrong one. All I needed to do was listen to what my soul was telling me. Not my heart, not my head but my soul.
A very intelligent observation on his behalf.
He also told me that he used to like me, and wanted to ask me out but he talked to my brother about it, and my brother shot him down in flames. He told him I'd never date him.
That's a good point on my brother's behalf. This guy was my brother's best friend until about 5 years ago.
He was full of compliments tonight. I was telling him about Crosswired Entertainment, and he told me if anyone could succeed in business I could because I have the guts, determination and strength to make it in the business world.
Gee...I don't know about that but I bloody well plan on trying.
But it was great talking to him tonight, and he helped to put a few things in perspective for me.

Actually interestingly enough. I don't know if I mentioned this already but one of my business partners is in Sydney for Ozcom, which is pretty much where you kiss the ass of famous producers and convince them to produce your work.
Apparently there are 12 projects of ours they are interested in, including a Tv show that the ABC is VERY interested in about depression. It has only been written for two seasons, as that is where we want to leave it but they are interested.
Another is the TV series that David and I are writing together. Channel Ten apparently is VERY interested in it, but they want us to make it more adult, and they want more well....sex and blackmail in it. Lovely. But this is a good thing. It just means I have to start writing the damn thing. I keep putting it off.
But this is exciting news for Crosswired Entertainment. To get the shows up and running is an important part of our company, as this means profit. Profit means money. Money is good. :D
So this weekend I plan on spending some of it writing. I really need to get my ass into gear where some things are concerned.
I'm hitting the gym tomorrow. I decided I just have to go, even if it is just one day because otherwise I will hate myself for not going.
So gymming it and then working on the site. I need to write a list of what I have to do, because I also need to start playing around with ideas for my Journalism research file, and also my PR assignment. Those are my big babies, although the 60% assignment for Tv is pretty damn big too LOL.
I just want to get my ass into gear, and if I write down a list of what to do over the weekend I will do it.
I need to stop procrastinating.
I'm pretty pleased with things though.
I do need to talk to David about getting some PR done for our site. We need to desig a flyer to stick around Uni's, and hand out to our old lecturers. Ray said he'd give it to everyone in his class, and David's novel lecturer said that she'd hand them out and make them do it.
We also need to look into advertising backstage in Inpress or Beat and probably Forge. That way musicians who want their music online, and their profiles up online can put it up on backstage. I need to put Casper's music up there first and maybe even David's.
Luckily we are unlimited download, and unlimited webspace, so that helps us.
My mind is on business I guess tonight.
I was thinking about watching a DVD, but I should get myself an early night. I'm hoping tomorrow morning I will wake up and not feel drained. Even if I do I will pump myself full of Vitamin B and hit the gym.
I figure working out is exactly what I need. It might actually boost my energy level.

Having said that it's almost time for bed.

sweet dreams

cross-wired, uni, xwiredonline, x-wired, xwired, crosswired, personal

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