Little ghost

Jul 24, 2005 18:07

God I am tired. Really, really drained. I just got home and all I feel like doing is crawling into bed and sleeping. I'm just exhausted.
Firstly I slept badly last night. I went to bed at midnight and was still awake at 2am. Thoughts just rushing through my head, but it was my novel that my mind was on.
It only ended up being David, Casper and I this afternoon, as Kyle is sick with the flu and Luke had to work. So we ate lunch at Kush, relaxed and slogged out some ideas for Crosswired. We actually got a hell of a lot down.
I was going to work on the site tonight, but I am just so trashed I can't be bothered. I need to do a lot tomorrow, but that's fine. I can do that.
We then ended up across the road at Frostbites, and had a few drinks. We met up with Lisa, who is a freelancer for Beat, and who will be hosting the show. She seemed really nice, and I clicked pretty well with her too. That helps.

Catching the train home, after listening my best friend tell me how much he couldn't wait to go home to his gf, made me feel lonely. I was really missing Steven, but I'm okay now. I've told myself this is for the best. I just wish that I didn't dwell on it so much at times, but I know it's not easy walking away from such a long term relationship. And I'll deal with it.

Our pilot for the Tv show gets shot tomorrow, which is really exciting and it means that by the end of the week we will hand it to Channel 31. It's exciting because apparently they want our show to take where Rove used to be before he went big. Very, very cool.
There's so much that needs to be done, and we will get it done. The thing we want at the moment is to market the hell out of ourselves and get the TV show and Radio station up. It looks like Crosswired Radio will be launched in December, so very cool.

I've set myself up to start going to the gym four times a week from tomorrow. I need to tone up a lot more, including my stomach so want to go four times a week and give Wednesday as my rest day, and the weekends as free days too.
I'm also watching what I eat again. I think I'm putting on weight, and don't want to get fat. I've been eating like a pig lately.
So gym starts tomorrow.
Ack! I never got the time to get the paper today, which sucked big time.

I was going to try and write a chapter of my novel tonight, but even that seems too tiring. I think it might be a good night to vege out in front of the television.
Watch a little Vegas, throw in a DVD and just really zone out.

cross-wired, xwiredonline, x-wired, xwired, crosswired, personal

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