Sep 19, 2006 01:36
It seems like the busier I get with school, the more I'm needed at work. (There aren't enough openers that have been properly trained at Wendy's, leaving me as one of the only people who make the salads and prep the product correctly! Did I mention my manager just went on vacation? Who do you think is being asked, "Hey, how do you do 'such-and-such'?" And my editor at the Clay Today wants me to try and cover some stories on Fleming Island. I also want to contribute some more to UNF's paper, the Spinnaker.)
I'm also starting to have a lot more people that I know in my classes or on campus at the same time as me, which results in us wanting to see each other at school during our lunch or dinner breaks because that is the ONLY time/place we are able to see each other. BUT... What do I do when I'm at school? I do my homework. Yeah, I don't spend enough time at home to do homework at home. It becomes finished-right-before-class work. It's sad, I know. I don't ever want to have to turn down lunch with a friend. For one thing, I've been living off of those soups and pasta bowl things that you just add water to and microwave because I can't bring food with me that will spoil since I'm at school for 13 hours straight.
I have to talk to my manager and cut back on my hours. I worked 30 hours last week and I'm taking 15 credit hours at school. Just a tad ridiculous, but whose fault is it. Yeah, I know- I think I'm Superwoman or something and time doesn't affect me. I'm also trying to follow the two-for-one rule when studying for classes because I really want to graduate with honors. I have to keep my grades up, but I feel so burned out already.
I'm looking forward to Friday. I get to spend some quality time with Dennis and then I'm going to the Loved Ones & Less than Jake show with Anthony.
Anyway, for it only being Monday (or I guess Tuesday morning now), I have gotten a lot accomplished. I got two of my assignments out of the way. Only 984589 more to go; give or take a few. Haaa... I don't care how much school is stressing me out. I love it! I'm getting somewhere with my life.