Feelin' The Pressure -- It's Wrong To Be Straight

May 17, 2010 07:19

I'm sure many people are going to be pissed off about my post. But wait... this post isn't my view on homosexuality and bisexuality. This is not against all non-straight people this is my experience this is my reality. If you don't agree with it it's fine, but it's still true in my life.

In my experience the whole (let's say non-straight group for lack of a better word) non-straight group has started a wave. This humongous tsunami of an this ideal, that homo/bisexuality is okay and everyone should agree and if they don't (and are respectful) they still throw rocks at them. My own friends throw rocks at me for my views no matter how respectful I am. The worst part isn't loosing my voice and my opinion the worst part is losing my claim over my sexuality. For me to say I'm straight is wrong! People TELL ME I'm bi. It's not about me being afraid of ashamed of being bi, cause I'm not bi! Yes (I am a woman by the way) and sometimes I'm attracted to women or think about women. Sorry that doesn't make me bi. Yeah there was a time where I did try to date a girl that was my best friend and she totally crushed me because I had a crush on her then she decided she didn't want to experiment. I admit to these things. However they don't define me. I choose to say I'm either a) straight b) pansexual and even though the definition isn't exactly what it means in slang it's close enough. I love people for who they are not for their sexual parts. I will choose how I will be defined not other people.

I am Erin. I am straight, I have a boyfriend of almost a year who I love, and we don't play gender roles like most couples. I'm happy dating men, especially my current one I want to marry him. I feel that people should accept that.

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