Character Permissions (shamelessly stolen from Imcondiments)

Jul 31, 2010 13:24

CHARACTER NAME: Templeton "Faceman" Peck


Backtagging: That's fine; I tend to work either 1st or 2nd shift (depending on the day) EST for those of you medical-shift savvy which should allow for folks to figure out when I'm around anyhow. But the point is, I know I'm not always around when most folks are tagging, so backtagging is perfectly alright by me.
Threadhopping: Fine by me. I'll probably do it myself.
Fourthwalling/canon puncture: Ehhhh... I would prefer Face wasn't told he was fictional. I don't mind people telling him they saw him on TV or knowing about his $10,000 bounty/pursuers/crimes/other misc facts, but I would appreciate it if no one flat out told him he was a character on a 1980s television program. On the same token, I'd also prefer not to have anything that happens in Season Five brought up with one exception. Folks with Shinigami eyes can see his name as "Richard Bancroft", since that is the one he was born with; try calling him Richard, however, and you'll get a blank stare. He doesn't know that's his real name and I'd prefer no one go out of their way to educate him to that fact unless there's a really good reason (and even then, he probably won't believe you).
Offensive subjects (elaborate):Uh, well, I personally don't care what you say. Don't expect Face to start throwing expletives or engaging in especially graphic conversation just because you do. :)


Hugging this character: Sure. Depends on the character, but he'll definitely appreciate it from the ladies.
Kissing this character: Depends on the gender of the character. Women, of course; Men, he won't look as favorably on. You're always welcome to try, though.
Flirting with this character: By all means, FLIRT BACK, LADIES. Guys, uh, go ahead and flirt too, but you might see different results.
Fighting with this character: Fighting with Face is fine by me. He usually attempts to talk his way out of fights or run away, but he can definitely hold his own in a fight. God have mercy on you if B.A. is present to do the fighting for him.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): I don't mind if you wanna give him a black eye/split lip/bruising/etc. Hell, I'll probably be ok if you wanna say you stunned him with a blow and it make sense. If you want to do anything major, however, please ask me first. I'll probably say yes to everything EXCEPT anything that would permanently damage his face.

Hey, that's his secret weapon, after all.
Killing this character: We'd...have to talk about that.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: I'm fine with either of these, just as long as we talk first.
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