Oct 14, 2008 02:50
Last Saturday, Jon invited my cousin Mike and I to his cousin's birthday party at a club in LA. We would get a cheaper cover charge and we could party in the VIP area. Tempting, right? Well, surprise, surprise... I wasn't in the mood to party and drink - I didn't want to spend my dwindling funds, plus, I didn't bring any clubbing outfits with me to Walnut. Oh, and I would be going there with 4 boys (Jon, Mike, Alec, and Brian), which means that they would all be trying to hook up with some girl, while I would be left alone. No, I probably wouldn't be able to meet any boys for myself because the ones I'm with would still probably be keeping an eye on me even if they're preoccupied.
Jon can be a very manipulative person though. He's VERY good at convincing people to do things. It gets quite annoying, and yes, he DID get on my nerves while we were debating over the phone. I think I'm an exception though. I've proven it numerous times in the past. HAHAHA :D He got to Mike that night, but he couldn't get to me.
So, I declined. I told Mike to go if he wanted, but he didn't want to leave me at home. I could tell that he really wanted to go, so told him that I would go with him if he wanted... But, he could tell that, that was half-hearted, so he still said no. Ok, bahala siya. We ended up playing billiards, having dinner, then going cosmic bowling with the other NKTB people. It still was a very fun night.
I felt kinda bad though that Mike wasn't able to go because of me. And, I knew that his friends really wanted him to be there too. He insisted that it was ok though... In his words: "Face, don't trip."
I saw Jon on Sunday and the first thing he said to me was, "I'm mad at you." WTF?!? We sat across from each other at the table in Alec's backyard... and for the first time ever he didn't say a word to me and hardly even looked at me while we were sitting there. I surprised myself with how affected I was with the situation. No, I haven't come to the realization that I like him. I've already established the fact that, that will probably never happen UNLESS he does a COMPLETE 180... pero ASA. I guess I've just grown accustomed to the attention he always gives me. He's always been a good ego booster. Hahaha!
After more awkward moments with him wondering if he was seriously mad at me, I was able to talk to him at Lollicup. I found out that he was "mad" at me because I should've been more encouraging so Mike would go. Wow... that deserves a big... :|
Later Saturday night, I the idea that we should have gone to that party came into mind because...
After Mike and I had dinner with Patrick and Kevin at this Korean restaurant, we were driving back to Super to meet with everyone else. We were stuck at a red light before we could make a u-turn and I hardly even noticed the black car in the lane next to us. Then, I heard someone shouting "Hey! Hey!" and hitting the hood of that black car. I turned to see what was happening and saw a bald Mexican guy hanging out of the passenger window of the car looking at us. He flashed some gang sign and shouted "Westside Walnut, motherf*ers!!!" Then proceeded with a slur of profanity. My heart RACED and I asked my cousin what that guy was saying and doing. He didn't know either... and then the worst possible scenarios popped into my head. What if a bunch of them came out of their car and started attacking us? What if that guy had a gun?!?
Thank God nothing happened. It seemed like it took the light forever to turn green. But once it did, we made the fasted u-turn ever and raced down the street. The black car, on the other hand, didn't turn, but went straight after the light. Thank God.
Scary shit. I almost peed in my pants.
What's with all these gang encounters recently? These people seriously need to get a life and stop picking on innocents. Sheesh.
I know everyone's been telling me to enjoy my time off... But I really want to work!
Being a bum is tiring :p
I'm excited for Via's party on Saturday. Yay!