Feb 12, 2007 21:42
Yep. I weighed myself a day early and I have officially lost... 19+ lbs!
Wee! I am on my way. It isn't completely about the weight but it sure is nice. I will soon be able to find clothes that fit and look cute. And I will again look cute in my clothes... or at least I will think I look cute and that is almost as good as looking cute.
Yesterday was a treat to hang with the Mupp at his lovely house. I feel so lucky to have found someone who doesn't mind (even likes) sitting and reading next to one another for hours and hours and hours. I really don't think I could have designed a better guy for me. The difficulty is I hate to leave his company! Mornings are hell. This morning I was really late and I still haven't had a shower!
I forgot to call my mom yesterday but called her this morning to tell her I would call tonight. I tried but she was out or something. I did write her a long letter last week and she said she liked it when we spoke briefly this morning. It will have to do.
I still need to call Doreen back because it looks like I will need the money I made doing the dentists office a couple of weeks ago for Valentines things. More on this later ...like after the day because I don't want to spoil it for the Mupp.
I should go make a path to my bed... the Mupp is here! YEAY. Sorry I know I am pathetic