Blue moon fiasco

Jul 31, 2004 16:55

Clearly irony took the place of fate last night,
whaat the mother fuck
- I'll start from the beginning

Hiram and I planned, for awhile, to get cuban food and my tattoo
it was put off a couple of times, and was scheduled for last night
got another lame excuse from him and that date was off

- I was pissed

so I'm online barking at Loreley about this, and she convinces me to come to Ft. Lauderdale and get my tattoo nonetheless
I am convinced
so I bum a ride from my mom to the trirail station
we hit Palm Beach Lakes & Tamarind and, whaddya know, WE GET A FLAT
"Mom, you gotta pull over, you've ridden enough on it and you're gonna fuck up your rims and axle"
-"I am NOT getting stranded in the ghetto!"
So my momma puts the pedal to the metal and floors it to 50, yet the car is going 30
At this point I'm laughing my ass off as cadillacs pass us and honk, we're riding on a deflated lump
We make it to Australian & Tamarind, and I notice that we're 3 blocks from the Trirail station, and if I hustle I could make the 7:03 train
So I'm walking down Tamarind, In knee high boots and a skirt, and it's a windy day
Finally make it to trirail only to watch the 7 train chug away
Now I gotta wait for the 8 train
I make it to Pompano, and Loreley picks me and Becky up
I've had enough for the day, so I'm taking a piss in the bushes and three skateboarders zip by, I'm sure they saw it all
We get to Bulldog and I realize that I left my tattoo design on the train
well isn't this lovely, it's 10:03 and the customer service line ends at 10
The whole reason to come down here was to get that tattoo, and now I cant get it
FUCK IT there's only one way to fix this, get hammered
We go downtown and, oh joy, I get carded at every fucking place we go to
Loreley feels bad for my sober ass and runs to 7-11 to pick me up two 32's of O.E.
I chug them in the park and get slightly buzzed
Time flies and Loreley's fucking plastered, and I had the delight of finally calling Diablo out
I convince some asshole to get me a few rum & cokes, chug that real quick (mixing no good!) and get wasted pretty quickly, give him a "Thanks for the drinks, asshole" and dip
We drop off Becky, and I sure as hell can't drive, so Loreley's driving us home with a slick hand over the eye, double vision distorted my ability to realize what time it was
I enjoyed bumping into 1000 walls in her house trying to find the bathroom and
somewhere after that, the night was a blur
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