some people will soon be receiving the letter we crafted and included with our holiday cards. said letter includes some of the fun stuff we did this past year, though not all of the important stuff. for example, I did not mention in the letter that I went to General Assembly this year, though that really was quite an exceptional experience. and David didn't mention a few things for him, either.
generally, 2010 has been pretty good! for whatever reason, the whole "get your butt in gear and start losing that damn weight" has finally clicked for me, and I'm glad. I want to avoid the co-morbidities that come with obesity, plus I just want to be more comfortable and able to move more easily.
I am really beginning to feel my age. yes, yes, I know. I'm still only 36. but I tell ya, I'm beginning to feel more creaky. not impossibly so, but noticeably. I spent New Year's Eve grocery shopping, washing dishes, and deep cleaning the bedroom, and when I relaxed with the hubby over dinner and board games, I could barely walk after sitting down and having my joints and muscles stiffen up. my old football injury* from college has been bothering me more, with my left hip getting sore and stiff so that I have a severe limp for a few steps if I overdo things. for some reason, my hip is bothering me today, too, and I know I haven't overdone anything lately. I also use the stepstool much more consistently than I used to, rather than reaching really far or just jumping up on the counter to get something out of the cupboard.
but that's tangential. back to the point. as for 2010, I can say that at the end of the year, both David and I are still happy, healthy, and employed.
in 2011, we have been developing plans to keep up with our commitments and still do fun things. the #1 things vying for prominence at the top of the list are to get the bathroom reconstruction done, and save up money for Japan. those two things unfortunately will be somewhat at odds, but I think we can still achieve both. the difficult part is going to be keeping our eyes on the prize (Japan) for the year when other shiny (and spendy) things come up in between. like, for example, a midwest Ambercon in Minneapolis that some people are talking about. this year of all years would have to be the first year for that, yes? yes.
anyhow, I will be continuing with my weight-loss efforts in 2011 in much the same way I started in 2010 and have had success with so far. it's not complicated, but it IS hard. it's something I want to do now, though, so that I can work on other things later on. this has to be a lifetime effort, but my plan is to learn what I need to know while losing weight so my time can be a little more flexible once I get there.
other than that, other goals I have for 2011 include actively beginning to read the books that I already have, rather than all the interesting ones that come to my attention from various sources. I will pull a book from the shelf reserved for my stuff in the living room, read it, and then move to another. I have a bunch of books, some just recently purchased, that still have not yet even been cracked open.
also in 2011, Randy will be getting more time. I still haven't quite worked out a way to schedule grooming time in on a regular basis, rather than "as able." he needs to be groomed regularly, not just when I have a few minutes free and the inclination. so I'm working on establishing a Randy time every day, or every other day, when he will get his teeth brushed and his nails trimmed and anything else that needs doing. plus he just needs more quality time and regular exercise. I want to begin training him, as well, so to that end I'm currently reading a dog training book to get some ideas. specifically, I want to teach him to walk politely on leash so that I can take him walking and possibly even running come spring. running together would be good for both of us.
and another thing to be actually scheduled in 2011 is house work. after the crazy year of 2010 when we were busy so many weekends with traveling to Wisconsin, gaming with local friends, going out and doing things, and me with my commitments to church, I said to David recently that if we want to have a cleaner/tidier house, we need to schedule a weekend every month or every other month when we attend to housekeeping matters. and that time needs to be honored, not just blown off if something better comes along. so we started that by doing some major work over the New Year weekend [hence why I cleaned the bedroom on New Year's Eve], and we already have time scheduled for February.
so yeah. 2011 goals [NOT resolutions]: schedule time regularly for house tending, get Randy grooming time scheduled and habitual, continue with weight loss [ideally lose additional 40 pounds], and read at least five books from my own library.
*actually, I took a riding class in college and fell off my horse while he was cantering. banged up my left side pretty well.