Jul 13, 2005 02:09
Name: Brian C. Lindberg
Birthdate: March 2nd 1988
Age: 17
Location: Worcester
Occupation: Papa ginos
Physical Aspects: Skinny, Short
Eye Color: Green/brownish yellow
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5"6
Shoe Size: 9 and a half
Favorite Physical Feature: Stomache
Least Favorite Physical Feature: Wrists
What are you most complimented on: Hair
What are you made fun of for: Emo
Skin Color: Tan
Clothing Style: w.e
Favorites: x
Music: Emo, Hardcore, New metal, Rock...
Song: Your own disaster
Color: Red
Food: Mac $ cheese
Celebrity: Hilary duff
Movie: Back to the future
Album: Rufio - Perhaps, I suppose...
Store: Spencer gifts
Place to be: Away
Car: Classic mustang
Animal: Dog
Beverage: Chocolate milk
Type of Alcohol: Bacardi
Type of Drug: Hate drugs
Past: x
Do you regret anything about your past, if so what: I regret ever lying to a friend
How many hearts have you broken: Twice I think :(
How many times has your heart been broken? Twice
Favorite Ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush: What a stupid question
Least Favorite Ex Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Crush: I liked them all
Favorite Memories: The days when we had nothing to worry about but cooties
Happiest time of your life: Last summer in maine
Worst time of your life: Last saturday
Random Questions:
Do guys find it weird if girls eat sunflower seeds? No
Do you hate anyone: Yes
Who are your best friends: Jeremy, Anthony, Ryan, and Derek
Are you a virgin: Yes
believe in pre-marital sex: Yes
Do you agree with gay marriage: Yes
Do you like Bush: No
Who is your favorite comedian: Dane Cooke
If you were going to die tomorrow what would you do: Tell my girlfriend how mch she means to me and I would spend my last few hours with her...
Your Dream Wedding: Beach
Your dream house: On the beach
What is your favorite Sport: Baseball
What are you thinking about now: My friends
Kiss: Sunday
Shower: Last night
Time you slowdanced: Erin's junior prom
Last time you were truly happy: Sunday
Meal: Pizza
Thing you bought: Soda
Future: x
What are you looking forward to in the future: Seeing how everything turns out
Are you planning on attending college, where: Yes and im not sure yet
Career: Audio engineer
Kids: Yes
Names of your children: No idea
Are you going to get married: We'll see
Final Questions:
If you could say one thing to someone, what would you say: What happened?
If you could take back one thing in your past what would it be: Not getting my license when i should have
If you could have one frivolous thing what would it be: Car
If you could give someone one thing, what would it be: A hug
If you could be doing one thing right now, what would it be: Falling asleep with her <3
If you could have one wish, what would it be: To pull things together and work something out
Have you ever been in love: Yes
Have you ever been cheated on: No
Have you ever cheated: No
Did you like this survey?: It made me wicked sad