Oct 12, 2006 23:29
I prefer to remain the anomaly through distance and great strain. I prefer to be the mercury maker that sheds against the grain. Time and space are open thoughts with infinity as their Father, sweet nature as their mother, Jesus was their son and I am their brother. I give nothing more than a crow's eye view from up above. Crowing out my sorrowed sins as innocence forgives in the form of doves. Can anyone hear me and translate the pain? Or am I all alone again through distance and great strain? Is there something more than this that I dont know about? With shakey hands I hold existence searching for a way out. I look to lips where whispered words break these hearts like shattered glass. My hands are cut and bleedling out life into life with a bitter laugh. Calling once for allies, come to the front line. Once again I'm all alone, with nothing but space and time.