Title: It's OK - Prequel to 'Catch You' (Part 2)
facesandmasksBeta-ed by:
kami_no_kamiLength: Two Parts
Genre: Romance/Drama
Rating: G
Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong.
Disclaimer: To start with, it's just a fictional story and credits will go to where it's supposed to go.
Summary: This is the 2nd part of my prequel to my one shot,
Catch You.
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sorry that I didn't read anything from you again >//////<
haven't so much time till now
and I'm writing stories all the time now xPP
I'll try to post some soon~~ ;))
Comment when you have the time. =)
I will ^^ ..... if you have luck I'll post something next week xDDD
I posted!!!!!
it's chapter 3 of new school, new rules ;D
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