I'm ranting again: Farming is tough.

May 30, 2007 10:02

I have a lot of respect for my dad for doing what he does. I just wish the whole agricultural industry would straighten up so he could get what he deserves for waking up at the butt-crack of dawn and working his ass off until dark, and most of the time after dark. There's always something going wrong, and there is never enough time, the weather is almost never working in his favor and he always owes the government something. American farmers get shit on all the time, and farmers work harder than anyone else in this country. It's just not fair.

Oh, and I asked him where his crops go. You'll never guess where. I'll tell you. CHINA. We don't even buy what American farmers grow anymore. They have to depend on other countries to buy it. That's unsettling to me. It's the same way with seafood. A lot of restaurants get catfish (my dad used to raise those too), CRAWFISH, and other seafoods from Asia. Yeah, East Asia's economy is booming, and Eastern Asia's countries are moving up out of the Third World category in some ways. But at whose expense?

Most farmers in Wisner are at least 50 years old. My grandpa is still farming (mainly because he's just addicted to hard work), and he's almost 80. And there are tons more farmers who are past retirement age, but they just can't retire. The government would rather use working-class people's money to fund the war and our huge bureaucracy that doesn't even work for them than people whose money is hardly an object for them. Farmers are slaves to the federal government, and my dad says "screw the federal government."

It doesn't matter who wins this ever-so-popular, buzzworthy 2008 election. There are some deeply rooted, debilitating problems in our country that everyone in government will continue to look over because big business wants them to. Woman, man, black, white, I personally don't care who will become our next president anymore. Most likely, they'll let me down because they will let down ordinary Americans. They will continue to send jobs overseas; they will continue to let illegal immigrants over our borders and take millions of dollars in tax money without paying any taxes so businesses will have cheap labor; they will continue to let pharmaceutical companies rape people up the ass and they will continue to make more and more money.

Ever notice how much it costs to win a seat in Congress, much less the presidency these days? Millionaires and lobbyists run the country.

God bless America.
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