Sep 23, 2004 16:04
i was just reading melissa's lj, and i remembered sumthin, or, it came up in my mind anyway. but yea, these kids at my stupid idiotic school house of tortured learning were ragging on eachother, and then they came to the prettiest one of the bunch and started sayin she wasnt good any way....and thats a lie so i told them so. and i complimented her, greatly, yet for sum reason, noone could exept a compliment, not even the ones who deserved them. so i kept going, complimenting each of them, in ascending kindness, but with each kind word, i was met with confused faces, as if none of them had ever ben complimented in their lives by anyone not related to them. i dont get it, has the human race actually stooped so low that people are being raised with only qords of ridicule and criticism? AND IF ANY OF U SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY SPELLING, I SHALL HURT U!
*concerned for man*