Jan 11, 2006 18:22
My life has reached its pinacle.
I was serenaded today. *in other words, a boy sang to me on his guitar in class*
For those who don't know *coughjen/mollycough* I will recap.
It was in History class, when Fernando *the guy with a guitar, who Amanda thinks is cute too*, well he was playing songs in class before the bell. I was looking through the his song book and I found La Bamba. I was like "I love this song." so then he stands up and comes over in front of me and starts playing right to me! The whole room went quiet and it was wonderful.
I hope tommorrow is as eventful.
Let's see, other than that nothing really fantastic happened. Amanda and I ate healthy today, Mike saw Brokeback Mountain, Maria and I were almost in a panic because we counldn't get the locker open. Thank you Mike.
Lost is new tonight as well as Invasion. So I'm happy.
Until our next meeting,