Damn it would be good to be someone else for a while.....

Jan 19, 2006 19:10

Damn it would be good to be someone else for a while, like Snoop dogg he gets all the ladies, or maybe the kotton mouth kings i think i could handle being one of those guys also. Life kind of sucks and its not like i forget that it does its just that it like to play tricks on me and make things go good for a while and then it dumps all kinds of shit on you like fish entrails, used motor oil, tar, maybe some feathers on some really shitty days. But all in all things arent that bad they would be better if i could get some one to like me again but that just keeps making this rut worse everytime i talk to her. Its time for a vacation like a really good one. Maybe i will go to florida....no that state sucks to, maybe canada you cant go wrong with canada sure it might be cold but madison is to and so is everywhere else around here. Or i could simplify things with a oneway ticket on a 12gage express.
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