so as mag kindly reminded me yesterday, it's now like two weeks to the start of school. and i felt a great pang in my heart, because i like my uber long vacation. 3 months of bumming around, reading some books, catching up on tv shows courtesy of peekvid and tvlinks, shopping, oki'lladmittosomedebatetournaments, oksomedebateadminstuff, meeting the wonderful people who are back (
xiansation), and just going out with the ones who i don't see much of because they're whole roads away (
envision87) or a whole street away (
little_hobbit). it's been wonderful, and i don't want it to end.
except that a couple of days ago, i had to try to remember how to spell 'particular'. and today i struggled for around a minute to remember the words 'modus operandi'; i kept thinking it was 'opus' something. so maybe i do need to go back to school.