multi-purpose store names:
Optician/cleaners/shoe store: See, Spot, Run (Jennifer Lynch, Waco, Tex.)
Doors at a delousing center/oyster farm: Nit: 1; Pearl: 2 (Chris Doyle)
Singles bar and doughnut shop: A Toroid Affair (Douglas Frank, Crosby, Tex.)
new words:
Occupotion: That afternoon coffee that gets you through the rest of the day. (Michelle Stupak, Ellicott City)
Scienara:A rejection of reason and evidence. "The Kansas Board of Education saidscienara to evolution." (Jonathan Guberman, Princeton, N.J.)
Oxymorose: Laughing on the outside, crying on the inside. (Stephen Dudzik, Olney)
Oopsnoxious: Said of someone who "accidentally" bumps into women at a bar. (John Shea, Lansdowne, Pa.)
Oppository: What a Labor Party MP calls a Conservative. (Marty McCullen, Gettysburg, Pa.)
Ostentitious: Having Pamela Anderson-size implants. (Chuck Smith, Woodbridge)
Ovareasy: A very fertile woman. (Jonathan Guberman)
Pachydermine: A fat lady in a fur coat. (Brendan Beary, Great Mills)
Placcid: Soft and limp, but okay about it. (Paul Kocak, Syracuse, N.Y.)
Parsehole: One who constantly interrupts a friend to correct their grammar. Excuse me, his grammar. (Brendan Beary)
Pastriarchy: The upper crust. (John O'Byrne, Dublin)
Punchkins: The little circles you pop out of paper to put it in a binder. (Ben Schwalb, Severna Park)
Perfidiot: Someone who's both a backstabber and a moron. (Brendan Beary)
Rabbinicate: When a Jewish mother lectures. What, you thought she'd be pontificating? (Peter Metrinko, Chantilly) - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA
Ragony: Menstrual cramps. (Tom Witte)
Remedius: The return of a driving salute. (Helen and Paul Stone, Silver Spring) - awyeah
Rectomb: A big soft cushion for parking your butt. (Stephen Dudzik)
Rhinoblasty: A punch in the nose. (Greg Arnold, Herndon)
Sabbratical: What a schoolteacher needs every now and then. (Tom Witte)
Shoddenfreude: The perverse pleasure one gets at seeing someone break a heel of her $400 Manolos in a heating grate. (Chris Doyle)
Sanitarry: To spend too much time in the lavatory. (Douglas Frank, Crosby, Tex.)
Snideways: How one sneers at merlot-drinkers. (Tom Witte)
Stirruptitiously: How a gal got out of trouble before Roe v. Wade. (Steve Fahey, Kensington)
Sudokuku: Addicted to filling in numbers in little grids. (Pam Sweeney, Germantown)
Swain't: An ex-boyfriend. (Tom Witte)
eulogies to:
Elmer Dresslar Jr., voice of the Jolly Green Giant
His ho-ho-hos were said with ease;
It's fitting that he rest in peas.
(Stephen Dudzik, Olney)
Robert Hunter, founder of Greenpeace
Bob Hunter has gone to his final repose;
From cancer his health had been failing.
His passing was marked by his friends and his foes,
Respectively weeping and whaling.
(Brendan Beary, Great Mills)
Robert Moog, pioneer of electronic music and the inventor of the Moog synthesizer
PITTI-pitti-pitti-pitti-pitti . . .
(Jeff Brechlin)