Once again, I am a posting failure. To be fair, it's the time of year where I start getting these massive orders for my Alaska dealers. They place their orders months in advance, we produce them ahead of schedule, and then we mass ship everything in the last week of March. The timing is super important because for a big chunk of the year the dealerships are closed due to winter, so if we send it too early, nobody is there to receive the goods and if we ship too late, we miss part of their major selling season and that can leave them with too much inventory at the wrong times. So it's a whole lot of stuff and very time consuming and stressful to babysit all these orders for months and months.
Woo. Happens every year.
Add to that my homework for this week and I just didn't have a spare second yesterday to do a post. I technically don't today, but I'm making space while waiting for someone to do their job so that I can in turn do my job. (I hate waiting on other people to do shit so I can do shit, cause I'm impatient as hell)
Anyway. Onward to yesterday and today's questions and answers. :3
Your Favorite Recipe:
Man. I feel like so many of the questions on this meme have been unanswerable. I don't cook. I can cook, but I don't. As a result, Griff has all the recipes. He handles the list making and grocery buying and food making. So... yeah.
What Are You Looking Forward To:
Well, in the immediate I'm waiting for the end of this semester, because taking a full class load was a mistake and I'm ready to go back to less classes and therefore, less applesauce brain. Looking a bit farther out, I'm looking forward to graduating with my two year degree because then I know I'm halfway done. I'm hoping by that time I'll have a steady volunteer position with one of the law enforcement agencies around here so I can get some experience and get my feet wet prior to looking for my final career position, because apparently it's just crazy competitive (I think I covered this in the post before this...) and I need the experience on my resume to give me a little extra oomph in interviews.
I'm simple. Since we're not having kids, I don't have grand views of the future with babies everywhere. Since we're not planning on moving anytime soon or saving for a house, I don't have any thoughts bouncing around of our dream home. Basically, I'm trying to enjoy day-by-day and have very short-sighted future plans, because I find things easier to achieve that way. If I set little short-term goals, I actually DO them and don't get bogged down on how much I have to do to accomplish a more long-term goal. (For example, looking forward to my two year degree is much less daunting than looking forward to my four year. Baby steps and very much one day at a time)
Yeah. And... yeah. Now back to work, for I am a busy little bee who has things to accomplish so that I can maybe relax and enjoy my evening. Last night I came home and straight away jumped into my criminology midterm. 88. SO CLOSE to an A. Makes me mad. XD Her tests are absurdly difficult though, so I should take my almost-A and shut the fuck up. XDDD