Once again, I did not do my meme this weekend, so I have to do days seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen this morning. I actually went out to a "ladies night" at Mel's house on Saturday and ended up staying there from two in the afternoon until eleven at night. XD It was a lot of fun, especially being one of two sober people in a group of drunk people. Mel and her husband obviously drank whatever they wanted because their house, no having to leave. A coworker of mine and her husband were there (at first it was just ladies, but when Mel's husband wanted to come home from wherever he had been all day, he said he didn't want to be the only dude with a bunch of women, so Val [coworker] who lives like three minutes down the road from Mel & Martin, offered to go grab her husband real fast so Martin could have another male around) and she was drinking and he wasn't since he had to take them home, and then me who wasn't drinking because I didn't want to / I had to get myself the 45 minutes home. Needless to say, I messed with drunk!Martin quite a bit (not mean, don't worry) and had a good time. I haven't gone out with other people at all this year, I don't think, so I enjoyed myself.
But now - onward to the questions since I have three to do!
What is your most proud moment:
Hm. That is actually a really good question, but... I don't know. Here's the thing - even when I excel at whatever I'm doing (work, school - anything), I feel weird being praised. Like, I get uncomfortable when people are pointing me out for doing well or whatever. So I don't really do a whole lot to acknowledge myself for things well done. I mean, I could say graduating high school, but it was just kind of "Yeah, I graduated because it's what you do, I don't feel it's all that special." I guess I could say something job-related, but I don't know... I do my job, I don't suck at it. -shrug- Maybe when I finally graduate college that will rank, because it's taking forever and hard as balls while working full time. XD
The meaning behind your blog name:
Oh this is silly. XD See, back in the day when I first was dating Griff, he was part of this website called Gaia Online. It was mostly a bunch of forums and sub-forums for various roleplays. Anything from anime-esque RPs to Westerns to Sci-fi. Anything. He was super active in this massive thread that had been going on forever and he and his characters were very popular, well known, blah blah. Anyway. He had goofed around with a bunch of different names for his account and for a long time he was The Faceless Man. Or the Man with No Face. Or... shit. Okay, it was along those lines because after we were married and I was trying to come up with an LJ name for my new journal (I'd had one for years beforehand, but there was a bunch of sad feelings associated with it, so I wanted something fresh and new) and I had changed my Gaia name (despite not using it pretty much ever) to The Faceless Bride because it flowed with Griff's name since he was some male iteration of that. Anyway, I figured why not use that for my LJ name and there we are.
What do you collect:
Well, I basically just collect two things: snowglobes and penguin anything. I've been accumulating snowglobes since I was a teenager and I have a couple dozen now, varying sizes and styles. Some are basic, some are really, really big and have like... rotating bottoms that spin with the music it plays, and some are like itty bitty cute ones. I was really upset because in all the moving we did in 2010, two of them broke. They weren't my favorites, but when I saw them broken it was like one more disappointment in a year consumed in disappointment.
They used to live in a bookshelf we kept in the living room, but during our last move we had to trash it because it was so beat up and unsafe and sagging and just... dangerous, really. So right now they're still heavily bubble-wrapped and in a box in the closet safe and sound until we figure out what type of shelving or cabinet or whatever that they're going to live in.
The other thing I collect are penguin anythings. I have a mug, several little plushies, some figurines and statues that are gorgeous - even a salt and pepper shaker set. I just love penguins so much that over the past several years people have started giving me random penguin stuff to add to my collection. I even have a section of my desk at work that is just a bunch of penguin stuff. It's adorable and fun and I've been given a few absolutely gorgeous statues and things. <3
tl;dr is mom scared the shit out of herself last Sunday (not yesterday, the Sunday before) when she went to work, Kroger, Krystal, and back home to gram's and did not remember any of it Monday. She had completely blacked out. How she managed to accomplish all that, I do not know, but she woke up Monday in a panic telling gram she had makeup on and why was that when she didn't go anywhere the day before. She didn't even believe gram that she had left the house until gram showed her the receipts, the groceries and Krystal burgers that had been bought, and told her repeatedly about how she had come home, hateful and belligerent, a glass full of wine in the cup holder of the car, told gram that she [gram] didn't love her [mom], refused to hug her when gram was trying to talk to her, told her [gram] she [mom] hated her. It was horrible. Anyway, she called to tell me she was done drinking for real, she'd been dry since Wednesday, she was sorry for any time she hurt me, what could she do to fix it, etc. etc. Everything she's said before and never stuck to, so I don't believe her and I'm not optimistic, but of course I hope it sticks, because gram can't handle this anymore. She's going to have another stroke.
Guess that wasn't very tl;dr of me. :| Sorry. Anyway, that sucked, but after I finally said to please stop calling me unless it's an emergency, I'm at a coworkers house at a party trying to relax, I was able to have fun. Now back to the land of work and school and very little free time. -falls over dead-