mewithoutYou - It's All Crazy! It's All False! It's All A Dream! It's Alright., I fixed the link. Well, this is the worst album name I have come across in a looong time. The one song I have heard off this was highly questionable and left me worried that this band has completely fallen apart. I just want another Catch For Us The Foxes. Brother, Sister was really good, but come on, CFUTF was incredible. Hopefully, this turns out good.
TIME FOR THE OPINIONADER: It's pretty good. A big record. There's a lot more going on than I think I can fully appreciate right now. Few more listens are needed. This is probably the most upbeat mewithoutYou album, which is good. There are time things get cheesy and the lyrics are pretty weak for a MWY album BUT that doesn't really take anything away from the album. Good to see them really play with their sound and what they can and cannot do within those boundaries. I will probably end up liking this more than Brother, Sister. I enjoy. It's weird, I like it.
New Paper Chase is equal parts beautiful and creepy. Truly representing the very essence of it's theme.
Only after one chapter and a basic outline and my comic is already going places I didn't expect. Yes... naked penises are plentiful.