Jun 15, 2005 02:00
You ever feel like you know someone but then you turn out to be completly wrong about them. That's how Im feeling right now. You think you know someone but in reality they are a total stranger. Like white to black. Anyways I went and tanned tonight and worked out again. So moving right along. Manda that dude still askin about you at the gym, rofl! I have a goal of 12 lbs in 2 weeks. It is kinda out there but can be done. I just can't drink. I'll go to the gym in the morning and evening when Im not working. ROFL some dude asked me to come smoke an 8-ball with him tonight, rofl. That help me loose prolly 5 lbs right there. He was fucking hot too. Did anyone see BSB on the view this morning, it was like dejavu. Well im getting in the shower. My friend Andy is goin off on how he thinks the past few weeks I have changed and I don't wanna hear it any longer. Love and miss yall.