I hate people. I really do. We hosted a baby shower earlier this week and put a lot of time, effort and money into preparing a nice party for people we didn't even know. At some point some FUCKING TWAT took time away from all their TWATLEING and stole money out of my moms purse. There's no way for us to find out who, I just wanted you all to join me in wishing them a wonderful time being sodomized by Balrogs in hell.
The baby shower was for my nephew
That's the little guy. He's still in development. Sorta like in Beast Wars when the escape pods first crashed to earth and needed to scan for a life form so the liquid metal shell surrounding the spark could take shape.
Anyway, finished a new comic and it's up for your viewing pleasure. Once again I haven't actually played the game but I always wondered if Snake would start
slipping in his old age.