Feb 05, 2007 12:18
Soooo, long time no write, hmm? Yes, it HAS been a while. I saw the Les Miz revival a few weeks ago. Can you say utter amazement? Sooooooo amazing. And I saw Phantom for the 4th and 5th times. 4th-January 13th, 5th-February 3rd. Amazing. I have a new favorite Christine: Jennifer Hope Wills. I also have 2 new favorite Raouls: Peter Lockyer and Michael Shawn Lewis. Amazinggggggg!!
I've been thinking. I was thinking about people that I'd love to meet, people that are no longer living. I realized that the one person I'd DIE to meet is Gaston Leroux. He wrote Phantom of the Opera of course. That book is the most confusing piece of literature in the world. I'd LOVE to know what he intended it to be. It has sooooo many themes: thriller, horror, mystery, drama, etc etc. And it isn't until the end when you understand Erik's reasoning and feelings. You don't find out until the end how much he LOVED Christine. That's when the WHOLE story changes. It goes from being horror and hate that you feel for this man, to love and pity that you feel. It's the most confusing thing ever. I'd love to ask him what inspired him to write it and how he perceived it. Whether he wanted it to be a dark, very gothic love story, or whether it was just supposed to be a horror story that had that whole scene in the end come about just because it was a good way to end a mystery. I'd also ask if the events were based on truth. I myself want to believe it was. One has to have things to believe in. But even in the musical, you aren't told that the Phantom loves Christine until the very very very last few minutes of it. Though, of course, the musical makes the Phantom more human and MUCH easier to sympathize with. The novel he's perceived as a monster--death's head, smell of death, body of a corpse, sleeps in a coffin, most disgusting temper ever. The musical truly does paint the picture a different color, lighter. Only half his face is deformed, sensual, much more human, less insane, etc etc. But in both versions, you have a pitiful man that has never ever known love, and finally finds the one woman, girl really, that thinks will look past his mask and temper and love him for him. Then Raoul comes along, and everything changes. You know, you think Christine is going to stay with the Phantom. And that's another twist in the whole story. I love that about Phantom though. It's soooooooooo unpredictable. You THINK she'll stay with him, and then she leaves him, even after he confesses his love. Loveeeeeeee it!!!
Okay, that's it!! =)