Mar 05, 2005 21:09
Smoke: Yes.
Cuss: more than i used to.
Sing: oh fo sho.
Have a crush: i heart johnny duda!!!!
Think you've been in love: i know i have
Like high school: i like the things high school kids do but the actually school can suck a weenie.
Want to get married: yes i do.
Believe in yourself: rarely.
Get motion sickness: i get sick on rides.
Think you're attractive: sometimes.
Think you're a health freak: def not.
Get along with your parents: when they are drunk.
Like thunderstorms: in the summer....when its all hot and rainy i love it much.
Play an instrument: nope.
Drank alcohol: yes.
Smoked: yes.
Done a drug: yes.
Gone to the mall: yes.
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope...alot of em but not all.
Eaten sushi: negative.
Been on stage: nope.
Gone skating: nuh uh.
Gone skinny dipping: neg.
Dyed your hair: yes...its very wierd now.
Stolen anything: just from jfdts.
You Talked To?: cory.
You Listened To?: cory.
You Looked At?: my dad.
You Smelled?: johnny.
You Touched?: johnny....
You Hugged?: my dad.
You Kissed?: john duda.
Had Sex With?: use ur imagination.
You Instant Messaged?: natalie.
You Were On the Phone With?: casey
Broke Up With?: ryan.
You Lost?: someone i never thought i would.
You Missed?: i miss johnny now.
You Needed?: i dunno...i need a lot of people.
You Loved?: thats a hard one...the last person you loved.
You Wanted?: john.
You cried with?: bonnie hanchon.
You laughed with: alot of people last night.
You yelled at: i dont really yell...its alot of effort.
Who Pissed You Off?: my brother.
Who Made You Happy?: john.
Who Made You Sad?: bonnie hanchon.
Who Made You Cry?: bonnie hanchon.
You Said Hello To?: my brother.
You Said Goodbye To?: my brother.
Wearing?: jeans, showdown shirt, and a wife beater.
Watching?: my computer.
Listening To?: lil jon.
Staring At?: the computer.
Eating?: nothing.
Drinking?: nothing.
Smelling?: my dads burger.
Tasting?: nothing.
Thinking?: i hope that someone has a party cuz i got some soco i need to drink.
Mood?: pessamistic.
Worry?: that nothing is going on tonight.
Taken/Single?: taken biotches.