(no subject)

Apr 24, 2010 17:49


A little about YOU

Name: Trevor

Contact (AIM, Yahoo, MSN): AIM: tardisandtime

Email: tophbox@ymail.com

Note: It's understood from the response to my question that this is permanent; and I greatly look foreword to exploring through Jack's reactions to finally being dead, the what ifs, and his struggles with this!


Name: Jack Harkness

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who

PlayBy: John Barrowman (http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100206145748/tardis/images/4/46/Captain_jack_harkness.jpg)

History: I fail at brief

Jack Harkness is over 2,200 years old and as he says, "and still looking fine!"

His history is a massively complex one that ranges from his early childhood in the 51st century on the planet Boeshane Peninsula where he tragically lost his father and younger brother to an unseen and horrible enemy so terrible they could hardly be mentioned without fear. His younger brother Gray vanishing as his hand slipped from his own in an attack and his father found by Jack murdered at his home.

It was later Jack joined the Time Agency, being the first from Boeshane Peninsula to ever join and being so impressive at his job it gained the man the nickname "The Face of Boa". After spending a good deal of time in the Agency as well as having a partner (in more ways than one), John Hart, Jack eventually assumed the alias of an American volunteer from early earth civilization, Captain Jack Harkness, who had died in action that January. He kept the name and continued his job in the agency all up until he woke up one morning and realized his memories for the last two years had been taken from him by the Time Agency itself. After this he broke off on his own to become a con artist; scamming the universe across different time periods particularly to scam the Time Agency who he felt betrayed him.

During a scam back near World War 2 on earth he met up in an ironic situation with a man named the Doctor and Rose Tyler a girl traveling with him. Upon making a mistake during the attempted scam many lives became at risk and the three bonded, Jack eventually taking his ship to scoop up a missile launched to redeem himself with the knowledge he was going to die with it. Fortunately however the Doctor and Rose came just in time to save him; welcoming him aboard a fantastic and astounding ship, the TARDIS, which is "bigger on the inside" and camouflaged on the outside to be a stocky blue police box.

Jack spends a number of years beside the Doctor and Rose; finding himself to be a changed man and to grow a great a bit attraction for the both of them. Finding himself more at home than he'd felt in years, eventually the three are trapped in a situation where they may have to fight and work to the death.The Doctor sent Rose home, however Jack is shot by an enemy aboard, a Dalek, and killed. Rose returns to save the both of them by taking in the whole of the Time Vortex itself and brings Jack back to life. Unfortunately it was far too powerful and brought Jack back to life permanently. Something the Doctor later describes as a "fact" that can never be changed.

Jack is left behind, the Doctor repelled by his very existence and the fact he's "wrong" and should never have happened. Unaware of the reasons behind this he managed to use his Time Agency Wrist Band to hop back to earth, however gets the time period he was aiming for wrong and ends up landing on earth 200 years before he'd meant to.

Much more happens and in the expanse of the next two hundred years Jack is coerced into joining a special team created by the Queen of Brittan to protect earth from alien threats. A brutish and hard ass team called Torchwood as Jack as is forced to become a more brutal man as he waits and searches in every possible way to return to the Doctor and Rose. Time goes by and eventually Jack is given leadership of Torchwood after all the members were killed; leaving him on his own. He rebuilds it "in the Doctor's name" and eventually comes to meeting up with the man again.

More happens, the two go through a rather larger adventure involving earth, enslavement, and a year that never was only for him to pass up the very opportunity he'd been waiting so long for to travel with the man again so as to return to his team and continue to defend earth. He eventually gets into an intimate relationship with Ianto Jones, one of the members of his team, and is forced to face not only his old Time Agency ex-partner Captain John Hart; but also his younger brother whom had been taken from him. His younger brother Gray, blaming Jack for his abduction and torture from aliens who lived for nothing else but to cause pain; systematically made to take away everything Jack loved and held dear. This leading Jack being brought 2000 years into the past and to be buried under the earth for those 2000 years, to die and be revived over and over again. Jack is dug from his grave by early Torchwood and set into cryostasis so as not to coincide or mess with his own time line; coming back in time to save what is left of the city and his team from his younger brother.

Unfortunately two members of his team were murdered; Toshiko and Owen leaving only three of them left. Jack still blames himself for these losses, but determination sets him into moving foreword and rebuilding from the fallen ashes that was their team and the city that had buckled far under the attack Gray had concocted. John Hart and himself leave with better terms; Jack aiming to rebuild Torchwood and continue to defend earth with Ianto and Gwen at his side.

Powers: As the Doctor describes it Jack is a fixed point in time whom can never die. A "fact" of the universe.

Writing Sample:

People were a sea of life. Heads and figures, shapes and colors. The world falling into a slow down all across the vastly lit room. His own eyes more dim and dull, holding an edge of listlessness to them. Colors washing out into greys while the man's gaze traveling across each and every person; the excitement and that noise all around somehow not giving him as much it might have long ago. It seemed even now, when he returned to earth--some things didn't change. Some memories he couldn't keep at bay; rubbing a hand at the back of his own neck in a silent motion to keep his thoughts focused. Oblivious to the looks shot his way, the smiles; standing firm and still with his own posture aching with the desire to leave. Somehow despite himself the man's eyes still numb and dull at the excitement and the life and colors of the bar...

That shield of authority and clear-cut strength bravado to cover just how tired he really was. The exhaustion over a grappling desire inside to run. Just run. Forever and ever and never look back; something he couldn't deny in wanting. After the memories that haunted his mind. Jack, stuck here...another adventure. Another thrill that for the moment, had lost it's meaning.

He slipped into the chair. The world feeling like it had burst back into activity, people behind him continuing their games and words and laughter. He himself just looking up to meet the eyes of the bar tender beyond him.

"Just. One of the strongest things you've got." Jack tried for a bit of his old charming smile to the bar tender, wishing he found it shocking on any level that it came out with such ease. His charm, flirtatious nature always coming so easily to the impossible man.

More examples of Jack can be found here if need be: http://asylums.insanejournal.com/salus_rpg/ 
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