(no subject)

Apr 27, 2012 00:47

I haven't wrote here for a long time but now I came with something new...


Snow fades away in night and there is no beginning
You can't foresee and can't deny. Existence's just a dreaming

In nature of the falling past and rising disconnection
Your dream of love excruciates, it's killing like infection

Distinct yourself, in tragedy of masks you will be laughing
In comedy of love you'll weep and long for death and nothing

Blackout past and empty future signifies nothing more
You are the third in perfect pair, in threesome you are fourth

Despair and quietness on the scales, you'll find the right balance
If Clown rules the world this night, hang on, don't lose your chance

Then after while you'll understand, he's not the friend of yours
Yet not a foe. He's meaningless, it's all the same and getting worse

You're trying to fly but you will drown, you'll break yourself on rocks
You beat your head and want to break those mental concrete blocks

The scales are not so equal, you are not tranquil, so
The rage will take you up, then made you feel so low

You want to hide and you're aware your face gives you away
You're martyr of your broken mind, it made of you a slave

You can not stop and can't go on, your curse is die of dreams
And in the lens of pride and honor it's noble as it seems...


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