(no subject)

Aug 10, 2012 20:14

I checked the list on my vitamins, 86% of my iron RDA, so not anaemia, but I feel a bit brighter today.
Any how, yesterday we took Alex and Eva to a magic show, mainly to support the events at Huntington Memorial Hall. As we were a it early we took them to the park first to let off a bit of steam.
Alex didn't really settle, though he did get more toys off the tombola, and Eva got bored. The lunch offering there were pretty crappy looking hot dogs, so we went off to Sainsbury's cafe for something better to eat!
We came home and Alex went straight to bed. We then spent a pleasant afternoon in the garden again, before a nice freecycler came round to take away some of Alex's old bits. We had kedgeree for dinner and Alex wolfed it all, I must do that more often as its really easy too!
Alex then proceeded to wake me every 2 hours then slept 'til just past 7. I feel OK today, but tomorrow might not be so good.
Today we've been to toddler sense, and packing and washing to prepare for our holiday tomorrow. After Alex's nap he woke up really badly and wouldn't settle, so after a long cuddle on the sofa we went off to feed the geese. We found a huge gaggle of kids looking at the fish in the Foss and the 'swans' AKA canada geese, who were amazed to that I knew all about things like that! They were mixed ages, but they all know a lit bit more know now and Alex had fun playing with the smaller ones.
This evening will be more packing and sorting, then off to Sheringham tomorrow.

freecycle, alex, holidays, sickness

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